Sakura Cherry Blossoms
24 Seasons [ Pure and Clear ]
二四節気 [ 清明 ]
Hello, everyone. I hope you are all well? It’s been a difficult time for all of us around the world, but let’s stay home with a hope for the near future when we can cherish our lives and enjoy the nature as much as we want. I believe we can no longer take things for granted and we will feel even more grateful for everything.
These are the cherries we have in our garden in Wales. Japan is famous for the tree but surprisingly it’s actually not very common at all to have cherry trees in individual gardens so I was very happy to have some in our garden. At the moment, we have three different types. This one bears wonderful fruit and I can’t wait to see the beautiful cherries and make some jam or chutney from them.
The Japanese Tradition #3 [ Hanami Party ]
日本の伝統 #3 [ お花見 ]
It’s Seimei, Pure and Clear on the ancient calendar of Twenty-four Seasons. Since the ancient period, this is the time when people in China go out to the fields to enjoy the spring green. In Japan, we have a tradition called Hanami, cherry blossom viewing party since the Heian period (794-1185) . People gather under the cherry trees and enjoy a bento box, sake or even karaoke with families, friends and colleagues. It’s a national event all over Japan.
The Ukiyoe pictures are from Ehon Sumidagawa Ryogan Ichiran (Both Banks of the Sumida River at a Glance) by Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849). We bought this beautiful book in Lorient, Brittany six years ago. Please visit my old blog post, Tales from Wales, for more information about the book.
二十四節気は清明。中国では古代より、この時期、春の野に出て新しい草を踏む野遊び ”踏青”と呼ばれる節行事があるそうです。日本では奈良時代、中国伝来の梅の花が貴族社会では人気だったようですが、平安時代、894年に菅原道真による遣唐使廃止をきっかけに、国風文化へと繋がる日本古来の文化が発展していく時代に入ります。それまで桜は鑑賞ではなく、神聖なる木として祭り事等に使われていたようですが、その美しさに魅了された嵯峨天皇への桜献上をきっかけに広くお花見の花として人気となっていったようです。
上の浮世絵は葛飾北斎による絵本隅田川両岸一覧の中の "市中の花 新寺の新樹"。この本は、6年前、毎年訪れるフランスブルターニュ地方ロリアンの本屋さんで見つけたもの。古いブログ記事にもう少し紹介していますので、合わせてご覧下さいね。
In my studio, Mochi, one of our four Maine Coon cats & mesmerising Mexican Orange blossoms from the garden. This spring we cherish our little cherry tree in the garden and wish for a big Hanami party with friends next year.
Thank you very much for visiting my blog. Please stay safe and well. I wish you have a beautiful spring.