24 Seasons [ Spring Equinox ]
二四節気 春分
Hello, everyone. I hope you are all well? While human society has been in a complete chaos, the natural world is definitely getting ready to welcome a new season, spring. On the ancient calendar of Twenty-four Seasons, it’s the Spring Equinox. In Japan, the Spring Equinox has been a national holiday since the Meiji period (1868-1912) to celebrate nature and love all living creatures.
皆さま、こんにちは。お元気ですか? 人間社会では混乱の続く中、自然界の季節は着実に本格的な春へと向かっています。二十四節気は春分。明治時代、「自然をたたえ、生物をいつくしむ。」という趣旨で法律により祝日とされたそうです。
The above pictures are from my old blog in 2017, and feature Skimmia Rubella from our garden. This old plant showed a significant improvement when we replanted it from the ground to a pot several years ago. We visited a beautiful garden cafe in the Medieval Tudor town of Tewkesbury and we saw a marvellous huge skimmia grown in a big pot. We thought this might be a good idea for our rather sad-looking skimmia as well so we did and it worked really well. But it seems like it’s grown too big now in the current pot. I hope it will show pretty blossoms again just like these after we replant it to a bigger pot sometime this year.
In the UK, just like many other European countries, self-isolation has been imposed by the government. This weekend I’m planning to make some sweet bean paste from azuki which have been kept in the cupboard for a while.
The Studio Journal #2 [ A PDF Enamel Book from Milan ]
第二回 スタジオレポート [ ミラノ発七宝作家によるPDFブック ]
I'm pleased to tell you my enamel work is featured in a PDF book of an amazing worldwide enamellers' project by a wonderful Italian enamel artist, Rebecca Di Filippo, completed whilst in lockdown in Milan. My work is on P72&73. My Japanese enamel master, Kyoko Iio's work is on P44&45 and my dear Japanese friend, Junko Annoura's on P49&50. You can download the copy of the book from here.
現在コロナウィルス感染の中心となってしまっているイタリア、ミラノ在住の七宝作家レベッカ ディ フィリッポの呼びかけで素敵なPFDの本が出来上がりました。世界中の作家がその作品と一緒に、特に若い作家さん達に向けての言葉を寄せています。英語、イタリア語版のみとなりますが、こちらのリンクにてダウンロード出来ます。是非ご覧下さいね。私の師匠、飯尾京子先生はP44&45、七宝仲間の案浦順子ちゃんはP49&50、そして私はp72&73となります。
Thank you very much for visiting my blog. I hope you keep smiling and spend calm days. I wish the days in which we can live safe and sound will return as soon as possible for people all over the world.