All the rings are available in various materials and styles at the LOCCA MARRIAGE Etsy Shop.

Tsuchime Hammered Ring

Handcrafted with a traditional hammered texture, the design creates an organic feel and elegant warmth. The inside of the ring is carefully filed to create a beautiful brushed finish giving a contemporary touch. It has also curved edges to make the ring smooth and comfortable to wear.

Each hand-crafted Tsuchime ring has a completely unique pattern – no two rings are the same, and that symbolises your own unique life. Tsuchime, meaning hammered in Japanese, is a texture style dating back to ancient times. I wholeheartedly handcraft each ring individually without using any electric tools.




With the delicate brushed texture, the design maximises the beauty of the precious metal and provides a modern and stylish feel. These rings are carefully designed to create a simple yet elegant look in comfort fit. The ring, KAI, from Kaisho is named after a Japanese calligraphy style, which is the most formal in a block form.



Carefully handcrafted organic style band has a brushed texture maximising the beauty of the precious metal. The simple design creates a classic and timeless look. The design was inspired by the beautiful swan feather. It has round edges to make the ring smooth and comfortable to wear. I wholeheartedly handcraft each ring individually without using any electric tools.

丁寧に一つ一つハンドメイドで仕上げられたオーガニックなスタイルのリングは刷毛目テクスチャーで素材の美しさを引き立てています。エレガントでシンプルなデザインはクラシックであり時代を意識しない普遍的な美しさです。 こちらのリングは美しい白鳥の羽にインスパイアされました。エッジは丁寧に丸みをつけスムースな着け心地です。機械を一切使用せず、すべて手作りで心を込めて仕上げております。


Handcrafted with a traditional hammered texture, the design creates an organic feel and elegant warmth. The inside of the ring is carefully filed to create a beautiful brushed finish giving a contemporary touch. It has also curved edges to make the ring smooth and comfortable to wear.

Each hand-crafted TSUCHIME COURT ring has a completely unique pattern – no two rings are the same, and that symbolises your own unique life. TSUCHIME, meaning hammered in Japanese, is a texture style dating back to ancient times. I wholeheartedly handcraft each ring individually without using any electric tools.




This is a beautifully textured sterling silver ring, perfect for a unique wedding band as well as a pendant top for a necklace for a special gift. The pattern is created using solar plate etching and traditional casting. The inside of the ring is carefully filed to provide a beautiful brushed-finish giving a contemporary touch. It has curved edges to make the ring comfortable to wear. Edo-komon are traditional Japanese designs from the Edo period (1603-1867). Edo-komon motifs consisting of auspicious symbols and patterns are the inspiration for many of my designs. Tatewaku is originally one type of the Yusoku designs made for kimono design for researchers and academics working for the court during the Heian Period (794 - 1185). 'Tatewaku' represents the steam rising from the ground in the spring when many living creatures start to get lively and is regarded as a good luck symbol. Japanese motifs especially Edo-komon patterns often combine different designs. Walnut and Almond are created by fusing Tatewaku and a motif inspired by nature - each segment of the pattern is walnut and almond shaped.  I was Inspired by the motifs of Tewkesbury Abbey decorations for the Tewkesbury Ring. Tewkesbury and Walnut in the photos are oxidised. All can be made either in natural silver or darkened silver finish.


Walnut とAlmondは江戸時代人気を博した江戸小紋、立涌のアレンジですが、現代に至るまで伝統紋様として広く愛されてきたデザインです。多くは縁起ものとして、シンプルなパターンにも一つ一つに物語が込められています。 立湧は元々有職文様の一つで、朝廷に使える学者や研究者の装束のデザインとして使われていました。立涌は多くの生物が活動を活発にする春の暖かくなった地面から立ち上がる蒸気を表す吉祥紋様とされています。日本の紋様、特に江戸小紋などは別々のパターンを組み合わせたスタイルをよく見かけます。それぞれ胡桃、右はアーモンドを図案化したものです。Tewkesburyはイングランドのチュークスベリー修道院の装飾からインスピレーションを得たものです。写真のTeskesburyとWalnutは燻仕上げとなっておりますが、どのリングもナチュラルな仕上げもしくは燻加工が可能です。


The wedding ring design is available in various widths and materials. For more images, please visit Instagram @locca_marriage.