Grain Rains & Darkened Rings
24 Seasons [ Grain Rains ]
二四節気 穀雨
Hello everyone! I hope you are all well? The 24 seasons is Grain Rains. Since ancient times, the rain in this period is called Hyakkoku-Harusame, literally meaning a hundred grains spring rain. People believed the rain in this season was a blessing and provided us with grains to use.
The above photo is wild garlic in our garden. The young leaves can be used to make pesto sauce for pasta. We had some stormy days and the garden is full of fallen leaves at the moment but our maples are really healthy and growing wonderfully this year.
皆様こんにちは。お元気ですか? 二十四節気は穀雨。日本では古来、百穀春雨 (ひゃっこくはるさめ)と呼ばれる時期で、この頃に降る恵みの雨が様々な穀物を育てると言われているそうです。写真は庭の行者ニンニク。冬に苗を頂いて、現在満開です。若いうちに葉を摘み取ってパスタのペストソースにしても◎。嵐のような日が続いて、庭は落ち葉だらけ。今年、紅葉たちはとても元気に育っています。
The Studio Journal #3 [ Darkened Rings ]
第3回 スタジオレポート [ 燻リング ]
I’ve added darkened / oxidised style rings to my Locca Marriage Etsy Shop. Due to the current Corvid-19 crisis, only a limited number of items are listed on the shop. I will announce when all designs are available again.
LOCCA MARRIAGE ETSY SHOPに燻スタイルのコレクションを追加しました。現在英国はロックダウン中の為、限定数のみリストアップされています。通常に戻り次第、アナウンス致します。
Tsuchime Ring
Handcrafted with a traditional hammered texture, the design creates an organic feel and elegant warmth.
Brecon Ring
Unique cast ring inspired by the Brecon Beacon mountain range in South Wales
Swan Ring
Inspired by beautiful swan feather, the ring has a brushed texture maximising the beauty of the precious metal.. The simple design creates a classic and timeless look.
Kai Ring Set
Kai, from Kaisho, is named after a Japanese calligraphy style, which is the most formal in a block form.
Tsuchime Court Ring Set
Each hand-crafted Tsuchime ring has a completely unique pattern – no two rings are the same, and that symbolises your own unique life.
Tatewaku Walnut Ring
The Japanese ancient pattern is created using solar plate etching and traditional casting.
A little corner of my studio with Mochi
The photo below is from my old blog article, April 2015. We saw several chicks on the canal the other day when we did our daily walking exercise. In the UK, the government has extended the lockdown for three more weeks. Let’s STAY HOME until we will have ordinary days back. Please do take care and stay well.
Thank you very much for visiting my blog.
イギリスは先週からロックダウン3週間の延長が決定しました。STAY HOMEで心を一つにしましょう。どうぞ気をつけて毎日お過ごし下さいね。