October Photo Diary 2023
- october 2023 -
- Lisbon, Portugal #3/4 -
Jerónimos Monastery
Hello everyone, I hope you are all well? This month, I will continue to share images from my stay in Portugal, focusing on a short trip to Lisbon, as well as some photos of the autumn scenery in Scotland. I hope you enjoy my October photoblog.
今月も引続きポルトガル滞在記からリスボン小旅行を中心に、秋景色のスコットランドの写真も合わせてお届けします。 10月のフォトブログお楽しみ頂けます様に。
Lisbon's history predates even the Roman Empire. It was founded around 1200 BC, by the Phoenicians, who originated from the present-day Lebanon, Syria, and Israel.
Padrão dos Descobrimentos, Lisboa
Padrão dos Descobrimentos, Lisboa - of course Vasco da Gama is here (the third man from the left)The Monument to the Discoveries, a symbol of the Age of Exploration, features the figure of Vasco da Gama (the third person from the left). In 1497, five years after Columbus' discovery of the Americas, he and his crews departed from Lisbon and discovered the eastern route to India via the southern tip of Africa, known as the Cape of Good Hope. This discovery greatly contributed to the Portuguese maritime empire and the spice trade route to Europe.
大航海時代記念碑 「発見のモニュメント」。勿論、バスコ・ダ・ガマ(c.1460s-1524)の姿も(左より3人目)。彼の率いる一行は、コロンブスのアメリカ大陸発見より五年後の1497年にリスボンを出発。南アフリカ喜望峰経由でインド航路を発見しポルトガル海上帝国基盤形成へ大きく貢献。ヨーロッパへの香辛料貿易ルートも確立しました。
You can also see familiar figures like Francis Xavier (1506-1552), who is well-known to the Japanese, as well as mathematicians holding celestial globes and painters with a paintbrush and a palette.
日本人にも馴染み深いフランシスコ・ザビエル (1506-1552) をはじめ、天球儀を抱える数学者やパレットに絵筆を握る画家の姿も。
Jerónimos Monastery, Lisboa
The Jerónimos Monastery was built to commemorate Vasco da Gama's exploration of the Indian route. It features the Manueline architectural style that gained popularity in Portugal during the 15th century. The design highlights the complex and rich history of the country blending late Gothic, Renaissance, and Islamic styles. Additionally, it reflects the natural world of the Age of Exploration, incorporating sea creatures, shells and fish as well as symbols of sea navigation such as anchors or ropes.
The World Heritage, Jerónimos Monastery 世界遺産ジェロニモス修道院
Pastéis de Belém Rosanna is choosing souvenirs at the birthplace of egg tarts, "Pastéis de Belém."
エッグタルト発祥の店 "パステイス・デ・ベレン" 真剣な面持ちでお土産選びをするロザンナ
Theatrical curtain at the Airbnb entrance The entrance of the Airbnb we stayed.
The terrace beyond the Airbnb shared kitchenAirbnb 共同キッチンの裏に広がるテラス。
Lisbon is about 3 hours south of Porto by train. There are tall palm trees and remnants of a time when various cultures coexisted can be seen here and there, but what caught my eye most were the stone pavements. The local stone used has a glorious luster, which creates a unique aesthetic effect.
It's not an uncommon sight in Europe, but the cobblestones in Lisbon always seem shine as if wet from the rain. It reminds me of scenes from Blade Runner where Ridley Scott is said to have drawn inspiration from the image of urban neon reflections on wet streets.
I can’t get enough of the look of sweets. A showcase filled with beautiful sweets that you'd want to admire forever. In Portugal, where the rooster is the national bird, many sweets are made with eggs.
Around Espinho - on the way back to Porto from Losbon
Cold Dew [8-23 October] / Frost Falls [24October-7 November]
二十四節気:寒 露 / 霜 降
Castle Semple Loch, Lochwinnoch
I find the autumn morning sky particularly beautiful. 秋は特に朝焼けが綺麗。
- Benmore Botanic Garden / Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh -
We visited the botanical gardens in the Argyll region. Exotic plants brought from around the world during the 18th and 19th-century Victorian plant hunting craze now thrive here.
What's truly impressive is that the entire small mountain has been turned into a botanical garden. There are areas named after Bhutan, Tasmania, Chile, and even one called "Japanese Valley." At the entrance, there's a wooden torii gate, and the autumn foliage is said to resemble Mount Hakodate. Unfortunately, the Japanese Valley was closed due to heavy rain a few days before our visit. Many outdoor facilities in Scotland close from November until spring, so our visit to the Japanese Valley will have to wait for next time.
Benmore Fernery シダ植物専門の温室
- Dawyck Botanic Garden / Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh -
We also visited the autumn plant fair at Dawyck Botanic Garden, just like Benmore mentioned earlier, it's part of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and is operated for the purposes of plant research, education, and conservation activities.
Recently, Chris has been into making Panna cotta. 最近クリスがはまっている自家製パンナコッタ。
Thank you for visiting my October photo journal. Wishing you a beautiful season:)
Largs, Ayrshire