November Photo Diary 2023
- November 2023 -
Hello everyone, how are you? This month I’m sharing the final photo journal of my trip to Portugal. I hope you enjoy my November photo blog along with the report from my visit to Edinburgh.
こんにちは皆様、お元気ですか? 今月はポルトガル旅行レポート最終回。エジンバラ訪問のレポート等と併せて11月のフォトブログお楽しみ頂けます様に。
- Porto, Portugal #4/4 -
- National Museum Soares dos Reis, Porto -
National Museum Soares dos Reis, Porto
The Soares dos Reis National Museum, a place I casually stopped by, turned out to be Portugal's oldest art museum. When I tried to purchase tickets at the reception, a kind Portuguese gentleman informed me, "Today, there's a computer system problem, so please enjoy the exhibition without tickets." I was moved by the spirit of the people of Porto who offered the opportunity to view the museum for free, rather than closing the museum due to the problem.
The entrance to the National Museum was relatively modest for a national art museum, but I was amazed by the richness of their collection including a beautiful courtyard and outdoor installations on the rooftop. The most impressive among the exhibits was, of course, the Namban screens. These illustrate the exotic Portuguese culture, the Namban trade in Nagasaki, Christian missionary activities, and interactions with the Japanese of that time.
A fascinating Namban folding screen scene that will warp your mind in the blink of an eye.
- Jardins do Palacio de Cristal、Porto -
Crystal Palace Gardens. The rooster is the national bird of Portugal. Their crowing, heard daily, was present in this park too.
During the Namban trade era (1543 – 1641), there were reportedly gifts to Japan that included animals like peacocks. Here, you can also see someone reading a book in the shade.
São Bento Station, located in the UNESCO World Heritage site of Porto's historic district. It is often said as one of the most beautiful train stations in the world.
Currently, there's a Specialty Coffee boom in Europe (meeting the association's criteria with a rating of 80% or more). On the last day of my trip in Portugal, I spent a leisurely time in the new cafes that are popping up one after another near Paulo and Rosanna's flat.
現在ヨーロッパでもSpecialty Coffee (協会の基準評価80%以上を満たしている事が条件) ブーム。ポルトガル最終日は、パウロ・ロザンナのフラットの近所に続々オープンしている新しいカフェで、のんびりと過ごしました。
My journey to Portugal was a wonderful holiday filled with many discoveries. Rosanna, and Paulo & Liliana who took care of things in Zurich, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
- Edinburgh October & November-
In October and November, we visited Edinburgh for the first time in a while.
National Galleries of Scotland, PORTRAIT, Edinburgh
National Galleries of Scotland, PORTRAIT, Edinburgh
National Galleries of Scotland, ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY, Edinburgh
We went to the Grayson Perry exhibition, which I was looking forward to. The venue was crowded with a huge turnout. While being overwhelmed by the artist's creative energy, also conveyed his warm humanity, making it a stimulating experience.
楽しみにしていたGrayson Perry展へ出かけました。会場は凄い人出で賑わっていました。アーチストの創作エネルギーに圧倒されながらも、彼の温かい人間性が伝わってくる刺激的な展覧会でした。
OUR TOWN 一番好きだったエッチングの作品 "OUR TOWN"。
St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Edinburgh
Dean Cemetery, Edinburgh
National Galleries of Scotland, MODERN ONE & TWO, Edinburgh
6 TIMES by Antony Gormley (b.1950)
Landform (2001) by Charles Jencks (1939-2019)
Reclining Figure (1951) by Henry Moore (1898 - 1986)
The exhibition, Point / Pinch / Punch | The Surrealist Hand at Keiller Library at Modern Two
- Glasgow -
GoMA, Gallery of Modern Art
NHOTB & RAD by Beagles & Ramsay
We visited the exhibition "NHOTB & RAD" by the Glasgow based artist duo, John Beagles and Graham Ramsay, at GoMA. I apologise that my photos do not fully capture the atmosphere of the exhibition space but stepping into the dimly lit venue, we encountered a fashion show set in a dynamic, digitally crafted world made with striking colour palettes. The exhibition offers an overwhelming spatial experience with a thought-provoking display.
最後は、グラスゴーのモダンミュージアム。通称GoMAで地元ベースのアーチストデュオJohn Beagles and Graham Ramsayによる展覧会NHOTB & RADを訪れました。写真ではイメージをお伝えし切れず残念ですが、照明の落された会場に一歩足を踏み入れるとダイナミックな色使いが特徴的なデジタル世界でのファッションショーが繰り広げられていました。圧倒的な空間体験と共に示唆スイッチが入り、様々な考えが見る側の思考回路に流れていく仕掛けです。
Beginning of Winter [8-21 November] / Lesser Snow [22November-6 December]
二十四節気:立 冬 / 小 雪
Barr Castle & Barr Loch, Lochwinnoch
Along the Barr Castle walking route, I used to see only female sheep grazing, but recently I found some males too.
散歩コースのBarr Castleに放牧されている羊は殆どが雌ですが、3年目の秋、初めて雄も見かけるようになりました。
We’ve been having sub-zero temperatures these days, the sky is clear, and this month, the moon shines exceptionally bright.
Thank you for visiting my November photo journal. Keep warm! Wishing you a beautiful season:)