December Photo Diary 2023
- December 2023 -
Greater Snow [7-21 December] / Winter Solstice [22 December-5 January]
二十四節気:大 雪 / 冬 至
The old railway bridge no.30, on the way to Barr Castle, National Cycle Route 7, Lochwinnoch
Hello everyone! I hope you are enjoying the festive season.
In our little village in Scotland, we had the first snowfall and a 10-day consecutive below-zero period at the beginning of the month. Now the sunset is closer to 3:30 pm, with the sunrise getting later, approaching 9 am as we head towards the winter solstice.
Rabbit Hole, Lochwinnoch
For this final month of 2023, I'm sharing something a little different. I hope you enjoy the blog for December.
An experimental metal work for a jewellery collection called, Twenty-four Seasons based on the ancient Japanese calendar. We have very distinctive four seasons in Japan and a year is divided further into 24 Seasons, called Niju-shi sekki. Still to this modern period, we have many traditional customs and events according to the Niju-shi sekki calendar.
1 Beginning of Spring
立 春
[ 4 - 18 FEB ]
The kanji character "立" in Risshun 立春 (the first day of spring) signifies the emergence of something that has not existed until now. The motif of the ring is the "Tatewaku 立涌" pattern from the Heian period (794-1185 AD ), symbolizing steam rising from the ground in spring, celebrating the arrival of a new season.
2 Rain Water
雨 水
[ 19 FEB - 5 MAR ]
The season when snow turns into rain. A ring inspired by the rain drops, the source of life, flowing gracefully like the spring river with melted snow. The 3rd of March marks the festival of "Joshi" (上巳), one of the five traditional seasonal celebrations. In ancient times, it was also a ritual to purify the mind and body with pure water during this festival.
The game developed from this is called Kyokusuien. Participants put a sake cup in a stream, and as the cup floats downstream, they compose poems before the cup passes in front of them. The poems are then placed on the next cup. If one fails to complete a poem in time, they must drink the sake from that cup as a penalty.
[ The Five Festivals, Go-sekku ]
Traditional customs observed during the changing seasons, established during the Edo period to dispel evil spirits and pray for good health. The five designated auspicious days are as follows:
[ Jinjitsu no Sekku ]: January 7th ( Festival of Seven Herbs* )
[ Joshi no Sekku ]:March 3rd (Peach Festival)
[ Tango no Sekku ]: May 5th ( Iris Festival・Daimyo Oak Festival )
[ Shichiseki no Sekku ]:July 7th ( Star Festival )
[ Choyo no Sekku ]:September 9th ( Chrysanthemum Festival )
[ 五 節 句 ]
[ 人日の節句 ]:1月7日(七草)
[ 上巳の節句 ]:3月3日(桃)
[ 端午の節句 ]:5月5日(菖蒲・柏)
[ 七夕の節句 ]:7月7日(笹)
[ 重陽の節句 ]:9月9日(菊・栗)
3 Insects Awaken
啓 蟄
[ 6 - 20 MAR ]
The time when insects that have been in winter hibernation begin to stir. Inspired by Keichitsu, Insects Awaken, a ring featuring claw-like designs reminiscent of the legs of insects, which typically have three pairs (6 legs).
4 Vernal Equinox
春 分
[ 21 MAR - 4 APR ]
The time when the day and night are of equal length, marking the transition between seasons in the natural world. Both the spring equinox and the autumn equinox signify pivotal points in the seasonal cycle. The design is inspired by the hatching of eggs, symbolizing new life during the season when the cycle of life unfolds.
[ Shiryu / Nishi-Nibun ]
[ Shiryu ]: The beginning of each season – Risshun・Rikka・Risshu・Rittou.
[ Nishi ]:Geshi (Summer Solstice)・Toji (Winter Solstice)
In the northern hemisphere, Geshi is the day with the longest daylight hours during summer, while Toji is the day with the longest night hours during winter.
[ Nibun ]:Shunbun (Spring Equinox)・Shubun (Autumn Equinox)
The days when the sun rises due east and sets due west
Just as Risshun, the beginning of spring, is positioned "midway between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox," each of the Shiryu is precisely positioned at the midpoint between each solstice and equinox.
[ 四立 ] [ 二至二分 ]
立春 春分 立夏 夏至 立秋 秋分 立冬 冬至
[ 四立 しりゅう ]:四季の始まり - 立春*・立夏・立秋・立冬
[ 二至 にし ]:北半球で、昼が最も長くなる夏至・夜が最も長くなる冬至
[ 二分 にぶん ]:太陽が真東から上り、真西に沈む日 - 春分・秋分
5 Pure and Clear
晴 明
A season filled with bright, radiant light, portraying purity and beauty. An open ring in the shape of eggs. The character 卯 (U) in the ancient lunar month of April, referred to as "U zuki 卯月," signifies "beginning" or "birth," symbolizing the commencement of new things.
6 Grain Rains
穀 雨
[ 20 APR - 5 MAY ]
The season when spring rain nourishes the myriad grains. The design features eight seed pearls arranged to resemble raindrops. Around early May, on the 88th day from Risshun (the beginning of spring), known as "Hachiju-hachiya," it is a day marking a seasonal transition. The auspicious overlapping eights suggest good fortune, signifying the start of tea picking and seed planting.
雨粒に見立てた種真珠を8つ並べたデザイン。5月初め、立春から88日目を数える”八十八夜 はちじゅうはちや” は雑節の一つで、末広がりの八が重なり縁起の良いことから、茶摘みや種蒔きを始める日とされます。
[ Zassetsu ]
Unlike the Chinese-imported 24 solar terms and the five traditional seasonal festivals, Zassetsu represents unique Japanese customs born from local lifestyle, climate, and traditions, primarily serving as seasonal indicators for agricultural activities.
[ Setsubun ]:The day before Risshun (around February 3rd)
[ Higan ]:A period of 7 days centered around both Shunbun (spring equinox) and Shubun (autumn equinox)
[ Sha nichi ]:The day closest to Shunbun and Shubun in the year of the "tsuchinoe" (Earth) sign
[ Hachiju-hahci ya ]:The 88th day from Risshun (around May 2nd)
[ Nyubai ]:The 135th day from Risshun (around June 11th)
[ Han-gesho ]:The 11th day from Geshi (summer solstice, around July 2nd)
[ Doyo ]:18 days before each of Risshun, Rikka, Risshu, and Ritto
[ Nihyaku-to ka ]:The 210th day from Risshun (around September 1st)
[ Nihyaku-hatsu ka ]:The 220th day from Risshun (around September 11th)
[ 雑 節 ]
中国伝来の二十四節気や五節句とは異なり、日本独自の生活文化、気候風土より生まれた習俗。 主に農作業の目安となる季節の印。
[ 節分 せつぶん ]:立春の前日 (2月3日頃)
[ 彼岸 ひがん ]:春分と秋分の各々を中日とする7日間
[ 社日 しゃにち ]:春分と秋分に最も近い戊の日
[ 八十八夜 はちじゅうはちや ]:立春から88日目 (5月2日頃)
[ 入梅 にゅうばい ]:立春から135日目 (6月11日頃)
[半夏生 はんげしょう ]:夏至から11日目 (7月2日頃)
[ 土用 どよう ]:立春、立夏、立秋、立冬の前各18日間
[二百十日 にひゃくとおか ]:立春から210日目(9月1日頃)
[二百二十日 にひゃくはつか ]:立春から220日目 (9月11日頃)
7 Beginning of Summer
立 夏
[ 6 - 20 MAY ]
It is a time when fresh leaves flourish, and the signs of summer begin to be felt. The front features the deep blue of the summer sea, while the back is adorned with the sky-blue colour of a clear May day, achieved through the use of traditional Japanese enamel.
若葉が繁り、夏の気配を感じる始める頃。表には深い青の夏の海、裏は空色の五月晴れをイメージした本七宝 釉薬を施しています。
8 Lesser ripening
小 満
[ 21 MAY - 5 JUN ]
The season when the earth brims with vitality. The term "Shoman" is said to originate from the idea of feeling a releaf, a little content (sho-manzoku) for farmers when seeds have grown successfully. The photo features a band ring adorned with seed pearls.
小満とは、農作業で蒔いた種の成長にひと安心 (小満足)する頃という語源があるそうです。写真は、種真珠をあしらったバンドリング
9 Grain Beards and Seeds
芒 種
[ 6 - 20 JUN ]
The season for sowing seeds of grains like barley and rice, which have awns (needle-like tips). The charm pendant is adorned with 16 silver grains resembling miniature manju (sweet buns) or dango (sweet rice dumplings)
On the 16th day of the sixth month in the lunar calendar, the "Kasho no Gi" or "Kasho Chodai" ceremony involves offering sweets and rice cakes associated with the number sixteen to the gods, symbolizing purification and praying for good health in the imperial court. During the Edo period (1603-1868), it was considered a significant event as one of Gosekku, the Five traditional seasonal festivals, representing the indulgence in sweet treats to invigorate one's spirit and ward off the summer heat.
旧暦六月十六日の「嘉祥の儀 / 嘉祥頂戴」は、十六の数にちなんだ菓子や餅を神前に供え、厄祓いをして健康招福を祈る宮中行事。当時は贅沢であった甘いもので英気を養い、暑気払いをする意味を込め、江戸時代には五節句と並び重要な行事であったと言われます。
10 Summer Solstice
夏 至
[ 21 JUNE - 6 JULY ]
The day with the longest daylight and the shortest night in the year, known as the summer solstice.
A unique ring inspired by the traditional Japanese sweet "Minazuki."
On June 30th, the halfway point of the year, the "Nagoshi no Harae" ritual is performed to cleanse oneself of impurities from the past six months and pray for health and protection in the latter half of the year. The traditional wagashi (Japanese sweet) "Minazuki," used in this ceremony since the Nara period ( 710-784 AD ), features red azuki beans to purify evil spirits. The triangular shape represents freshly shaved ice, symbolizing a refreshing way to dispel summer heat. The silver grains are designed to resemble red azuki beans, which are believed to ward off evil spirits.
和菓子 水無月を模したユニークなリング。
6月30日、”茅の輪くぐり”と呼ばれる複雑な作法を要する儀式と共に、一年の折り返しとなるこの日に半年分の穢れを落とし、後半の健康と厄除けを祈願する「夏越しの祓 なごしのはらえ」。西日本を中心とするこの神事で欠かせない伝統的な和菓子「水無月」は、邪気を祓う小豆をのせ、外郎の三角形が暑気を払う削りたての氷を模しているそう。
11 Lesser Heat
小 暑
[ 7 - 22 JUL ]
The season when the heat gradually intensifies. The custom of writing wishes on tanzaku (small strips of paper) during the Tanabata Star Festival on the 7th July is said to originate from the practice of grinding ink with night dew collected on the leaves of taro plants. People would then write poems on Kaji (a deciduous broadleaf tree) leaves, expressing a wish for improvement in waka poetry and calligraphy skills. The culture of making wishes through such charming traditions is fascinating. The pendant, crafted from brass, copper, and silver, is designed to resemble the form of a tanzaku.
12 Greater Heat
大 暑
[ 23 JULY - 7AUGUST ]
The time when the heat is felt most intensely. The "Sora Suzu", Space Chime, is reminiscent of Japan's summer traditions, the night sky filled with fireworks and the wisdom of cooling down from the heat, wind chimes.
スペースチャイム “宙 鈴”は、日本の夏の風物詩、花火の打上がった夜空や、涼の知恵、風鈴へ思いを馳せたデザインです。
13 Beginning of Autumn
立 秋
[ 8 - 22 AUG ]
The official beginning of autumn in the ancient lunar calendar. In Japan, during the season of Obon (also known as Bon, combines the ancient Japanese belief in ancestral spirits with a Buddhist tradition to pay respect to one's ancestors.), various traditional events such as bonfires, floating lanterns, and Bon dances are held in many regions to honour the spirits of ancestors and departed loved ones. The silver charm necklace symbolizes connections.
14 Manageable Heat
処 暑
[ 23 AUG - 7 SEP ]
The time when the heat gradually begins to ease. The design resembles doubled small, round chrysanthemums.
The Choyo no Sekku (the 9th of September), one of the Go-sekku, Five Traditional Seasonal Festivals, is also known as the Chrysanthemum Festival, named after the seasonal flower. In Chinese Yin-Yang philosophy, odd numbers, with 9 being the maximum, were considered the most auspicious. The custom of celebrating Choyo on the double-nine day of the ninth month, when yang energy is at its peak, spread to Japan and took root among the aristocracy during the Heian period (794-1185 AD ).
15 White Dew
白 露
[ 8 - 22 SEP ]
The season when dew on grass and trees glistens white. Known as the Mid-Autumn Festival or Jugoya, it is a celebration of the full moon on the 15th night of the eighth month. Another name, "Imo Meigetsu," stems from the offering of newly harvested taro as a symbol of autumn's abundance. People pray for a bountiful harvest and express gratitude. Moon-viewing decorations often include vines like kudzu and grapes alongside susuki (Japanese pampas grass) to strengthen the connection with the moon.
Jugo ya, Juusan ya, Tokan ya Moon
On the 13th day of the ninth month in the lunar calendar, known as "Juusanya" or "Jugoya," it is a month later than the more famous "Jugoya" (the fifteenth night). The slightly waning moon, referred to as the "later moon," is cherished alongside the harvest moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival.
Juusanya is affectionately known as "Kuri (chestnuts)-meigetsu" or "Mame (beans) Meigetsu." People celebrate by offering chestnuts, soybeans, and other autumn harvests alongside susuki (Japanese pampas grass) as moon-viewing decorations, expressing gratitude for the autumn bounty and offering prayers for a prosperous harvest.
[ Jugo ya ]:A day to pray for a bountiful harvest this year (also known as Imo Meigetsu - Taro Harvest Moon)
Decorate with rice ears or susuki before the harvest season and offer taro.
On the 15th day of the eighth month in the lunar calendar (around mid to late September to early October in the Gregorian calendar).
[ Juusan ya ]:A day to express gratitude for this year's harvest (also known as Kurimeigetsu, Mame Meigetsu)
Offer rice-flour dumplings, beans, chestnuts, and other harvested crops.
On the 13th day of the ninth month in the lunar calendar (around October in the Gregorian calendar).
[ Tokan ya ]:A day to pray for next year's abundance (also known as Inoko Matsuri - Boar's Festival)
Offered items include pounded rice cakes. It is the day when the deity of the rice fields returns to the mountains.
On the 10th day of the tenth month in the lunar calendar (around early November in the Gregorian calendar).
十五夜 十三夜 十日夜の月
[ 十五夜] :今年の豊作を祈願する日(別名:芋名月)
[ 十三夜 ]:今年の収穫に感謝する日(別名:栗名月、豆名月)
旧暦9月13日 ( 新暦10月頃)
[ 十日夜 ]:来年の豊穣を祈願する日。(亥の子祭り)
旧暦10月10日 (新暦11月上旬頃)
16 Autumnal Equinox
秋 分
[ 23 SEPT - 7 OCT ]
The day of the autumnal equinox when the sun rises due east and sets due west.
Shubun, the autumnal equinox when the day and night lengths become nearly equal. The design is mindful of the balance between yin and yang.
17 Cold Dew
寒 露
[ 8 - 23 OCT ]
The season when dew freezes due to the cold air.
This season marks the arrival of migratory birds, such as wild geese, from the northern regions as they spend the winter in Japan. The ring is designed with motifs inspired by migratory birds.
18 Frost Falls
霜 降
[ 24 OCT - 7 NOV ]
The season when dew freezes, and the first frost descends. Another name for this period is Juusanya, or Kurimeigetsu, evoking the image of chestnuts, representing autumn.
19 Beginning of Winter
立 冬
[ 8 - 21 NOV ]
On the 15th November, there is a Shichi-Go-San ceremony believed to originate from a ritual of the Tokugawa shogunate (1603-1868 AD ) . November, with the winter solstice, is a crucial month in the calendar, and the 15th of the lunar month was considered a "lucky day when demons do not roam." The necklace is inspired by the indispensable thousand-year candy for this ceremony.
20 Lesser Snow
小 雪
[ 22 NOV - 6 DEC ]
The time when cold rain transitions into snow.
Tachibana-maru. Inspired by the fruits that develop in winter. It is called "Kimamori" to leave some persimmons or yuzu fruits on the branches with the intention of expressing gratitude to the gods and nature, praying for a bountiful harvest in the coming year. The tachibana, mentioned in the Kojiki and Manyoshu, is an evergreen tree symbolizing eternal prosperity.
21 Greater Snow
大 雪
[ 7 - 21 DEC ]
The time when the north wind blows, and snowfall begins in earnest. Snow Flowers. Decorated with three shades of white enamel.
22 Winter Solstice
冬 至
[ 22 DEC - 5 JAN ]
The day when the sun's position is at its lowest in the year. It is the shortest day and the longest night of the year. It is believed that the sun's energy is reborn and revitalized on this day, marking an important turning point in the calendar and symbolizing a renewal of the sun's power.
一年で最も太陽の位置が低く、最も昼が短い日 。太陽の力はこの日を境に生まれ変わり、甦ると考えられ、また暦の起点となる重要な節目でもあります。
23 Lesser Cold
小 寒
[ 6 - 19 JAN ]
"Start of Cold." The season when the cold becomes the most severe in the year. January 7th is known as Jinjitsu no Sekku, a festival also called Nanakusa no Sekku, where people eat seven herb rice porridge to pray for good health and well-being. It is a tradition to consume the seven herbs to absorb the strong vitality of young and fresh greens into the body, nourishing and purifying to ward off evil spirits.
*Seven Herbs of Spring: Seri (Japanese parsley), Nazuna (shepherd's purse), Gogyo (cudweed), Hakobe (chickweed), Hotokenoza (Henbit), Suzuna (turnip), Suzushiro (radish)
*Seven Flowers of Autumn: Hagi (bush clover), Obana (Japanese pampas grass), Kuzu (arrowroot), Nadeshiko (pink), Ominaeshi (patrinia), Fujibakama (thoroughwort), Kikyo (Chinese bellflower)
*春の七草:芹 せり・薺 なずな ・御形 ごぎょう・蘩蔞 はこべ・仏座 ほとけのざ・菘 すずな・蘿蔔 すずしろ
*秋の七草:萩 はぎ・尾花 おばな ・葛 くず・撫子 なでしこ・女郎花 おみなえし ・藤袴 ふじばかま・桔梗 ききょう
24 Greater Cold
大 寒
[20 JAN - 3 FEB]
The coldest time of the year. On February 3rd, there is Setsubun, a day associated with the traditional bean-throwing ritual to ward off evil spirits. Beans are believed to have the power to dispel demons, and on Setsubun night, people throw beans to purify the atmosphere and pray for good fortune in the new year. The open ring is designed with the image of beans.
二月三日、節分。豆は “魔滅”に通じ、節分夜に豆撒きで邪気を祓い、新たな年に良き気を祈ります。
- Newbattle Abbery -
Newbattle Abbey
Newbattle Abbey
Newbattle Abbey's garden and Lord Ancrum’s Wood in the back
Lord Ancrum’s Wood, Newbattle
This year's last Day-out journal takes us to Newbattle Abbey, located on the outskirts of Edinburgh. The building, currently used as a college, was originally a 12th-century monastery. Set in a woodland with beautiful gardens, our purpose was the Christmas Craft Fair, but unexpectedly, we were able to enjoy a pleasant stroll as well.
今年最後の遠足レポートは、エジンバラの郊外に位置するNewbattle Abbery。現在は大学として利用されている施設は、元々12世紀の修道院。広大な森を要する敷地には美しい庭があり、クリスマスのクラフトフェアが目的でしたが、思いがけず気持ち良い散歩も楽しむことができました。
Barr Loch, Lochwinnoch
Thank you all for visiting the blog throughout the year. Have a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year. I hope the coming year will be fruitful and fantastic for each of you. Wishing you a truly fabulous 2024 ahead.