November Photo Diary 2022
Hello, everyone. I hope you’ve been well. We had a frosty morning once but other than that day, we have had a surprisingly warm November in Scotland.
こんにちは。皆様お元気ですか? 日本から戻り早くも一ヶ月。11月7日に二十四節気の立冬を迎え、暦の上では冬の始まりが告げられました。写真はその一週間程前の先月始め、辺り一面霜の降りた朝に撮ったもの。それ以降は、ずっと比較的暖かな十一月でした。
- Chatelherault Country Park -
Photo by Christopher John Wilson
We went to the Sunday Market in Chatelherault Country Park, on the outskirts of Glasgow for the first time since May. After breakfast from one of the stalls, we always go for a walk in the woods. There were some beautiful autumn colours. It was a rare sunny day and surprisingly warm for mid November.
- Amsterdam -
A fortnight ago, we visited Amsterdam for the first time in five years. It’s about a one-hour flight from Glasgow International Airport. We stayed in the Museum Quarter in the same hotel as last time.
That weekend in Amsterdam the temperature dropped to minus 4 degrees – extremely cold. The above photos were taken in the Museumplein, a public park. There were pretty Christmas lights and there were a lot of people enjoying ice-skating at the seasonal ice-link. What I found interesting was quite a few children were using a vintage wood chair as a support to skate, which I’ve never seen in the UK.
We went out for dinner to a Nepalese restaurant on the first day. The food was marvellous but I enjoyed people watching as much as their quality dishes. Two old gentlemen in cool fashionable clothes. Groups of fun-loving local people, one of which women winked me with a smile to express her annoyance every time takeaway customers left the door open (Remember minus 4?!).
- 1001 Days Project -
That night I woke up at 2am, thinking of “What are the furries doing alone at home?“. I looked out of the hotel window. There was Orion in the south sky and there was an orange crescent moon in the low east sky. At five, the moon was much higher and looked shining white right in front of me.
- Rijksmuseum -
Empty cafe at Rijksmuseum (Photographed in 2017)
人影のない夜のカフェ。 アムステルダム国立美術館 (五年前に撮影したもの)
The Rijksmuseum on the second day. We had a lovely breakfast at the beautiful museum café, which I’ve been dreaming of since the last visit. It was just as wonderful as before.
“Crawly Creatures”, Rijksmuseum
The national museum owns over 700,000 works and we enjoyed the whole day admiring the great art. The photos are from the currently featured installation “Crawly Creatures”.
The exhibition showcases how scientists and artists expressed their interests in insects and animals in various ways over the centuries. The 700 giant ants are swarming on the museum walls. The ants’ legs were handmade with wood branches and looked so real.
1800年開館のこちらは、70万点以上の美術品を所蔵。閉館まで一日中芸術品を堪能しました。写真は現在フィーチャーされている ”這い回る生き物たち”と題されたインスタレーション。
中世から、科学者や芸術家達を魅了してきた昆虫や動物。彼らの興味は仕事や作品の中でどのように示されてきたのか? 何百年にも遡り、その表現方法の変化を展示していました。美術館のあちこちに現れた七百匹の巨大蟻。本物の木の枝で一つ一つ手作りされた脚が妙にリアルです。
The museum has many incredible masterpieces by Rembrandt and Vermeer but still I’m always most attracted to the Japanese collection. The Buddha Amida (c.1150)
レンブラントやフェルメールなど数々の名作を所蔵する美術館ですが、やはり一番心惹かれるのは日本の美術工芸品。阿弥陀如来 (1150年頃)
- Van Gogh Museum -
The Van Gogh Museum on the third day. We saw a special exhibition 'Golden Boy Gustav Klimt’ at the annex building. It explores how the artist developed his unique style and how he was inspired by other artists like Gogh, Monet, Matisse or even C.R. Mackintosh.
I first saw Klimt’s work when I was studying in Wisconsin, 35 years ago. There was a poster of “The Kiss” on a wall in my host family’s dining room. That time I didn’t know about Klimt at all. As I was so fascinated by the painting, I changed my initial plan and shortened the stay in the US and decided to travel around Europe. During my two-month adventure, the very first visit in Europe was of course the Belvedere Museum Vienna to see the real "The Kiss".
It’s surely important to see art from your own free perspective, however, it’s also a great pleasure to learn what was on the artist’ mind when creating the work. The above is one of Klimt’s most famous pieces, “Water Serpents II”. The seductive and sensual looking women jump into the eye but if you look closer, there are lots of small comical fish swimming amongst the colourful design pattern.
It is said that Klimt might be inviting you to explore more beneath the surface of your thoughts and relationships.
クリムトは我々に ”もっと思考や交友関係の水面下を探ってみては?” と誘なっているのだとか。
After Klimt, we moved to the main museum building to see the Gogh main collection. The most striking exhibit for me was Gogh’s art materials. When he lived in the country, he made paint brushes from reeds and used simple drawing pens made from Bamboo stalks.
Van Gogh works and his life stories give me encouragement and hope. At the same time, I wonder if Van Gogh himself, whose life was not as rewarding as he hoped, would feel to see all his works n in this modern art scene. Then Chris showed me an interesting episode of Dr. Who that told this story.
同時に、生前は画家として評価を受ける機会が殆どなかった彼本人は、この立派な美術館や現代の評価をどの様に感じるのだろうという思いが巡ります。それをクリスに話すと、イギリスBBCの長寿番組 (来年60周年!)ドクター Whoのあるエピソードの場面を見せてくれました。因みにこちら、ロケ現場はカーディフのウェールズ国立美術館。
The Kurokawa Wing, Van Gogh Museum (Photographed in 2017) ゴッホ美術館新館 黒川ウィング (2017年撮影)
I didn’t know the new building was designed by a Japanese architect Kurokawa Kisho, who also designed the National Art Center, Tokyo in the previous blog post. The new annex, called Kurokawa Wing, and the main museum are connected through the fantastic atrium with dynamic arched glass walls. The email message from the museum after purchasing the online tickets was really friendly and welcoming and the audio guide was superb. I hope to visit the museum very soon again.
曲線フォルムの美しい、クリムト特別展会場のゴッホ美術館新館 (1999)は、先月ご紹介した国立新美術館 同様、黒川紀章氏設計だったと初めて知りました。本館へと繋がる地下のアトリウムはガラス張りのダイナミックな空間。オンラインチケット購入後のメールメッセージもとても素敵で、展覧会の音声ガイドも新しい発見が満載。ゴッホ美術館、本当に素晴らしいです。
Flowering Plum Orchard (After Hiroshige), Van Gogh Museum
Van Gogh is known as an artist who was influenced by Japanese ukiyo-e. Only after coming back to Scotland, did I realize that there was the same Utagawa Hiroshige work in the stamp design on the envelope from one of my cousins. I love her handwriting so I use her letter as a bookmark.
Christmas Cactus
Every year this time the Christmas cactus flower. Throughout the year I look after them. I adjust the watering by checking the leaves. Every year the colours of the flowers change, which is an element I look forward to. They were purplish pink last year but they look to have more vermilion tones this year.
Here is Freya. Not swimming like Klimt’s Water Serpent II, looking at me from the top of the bookshelf with the same look as the painting. Is she suggesting something? What? Give me Fish treats or a pouch?
この眼差し、水中に横たわっておらずとも「水蛇Ⅱ」を彷彿とさせる。何を誘なっているのか? え?カンヅメチョウダイ??
Lastly here is “Shylight”, a mechanical ballet installation, by a Dutch artist team, Studio Drift, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.
Well, it’s December again. I hope you enjoy the last month of 2022! Thank you for visiting my blog. Now the World Cup!!
最後は、メカニカルなバレーのような動き、Shylight (照れ屋の照明?)と題されたインスタレーションをご覧ください。オランダのアーチストチーム、スタジオ・ドリフトによる作品。アムステルダム国立美術館にて。
Klimt inspired installation by Bas van Beek