October Photo Diary 2022
- JAPAN 2022 -
Hello, everyone. I hope you’ve all been well and enjoying the beautiful autumn. As I promised in the previous post, I will share some photos from my visit to Japan. It was the first time in four years for me to see my Japanese family, relatives and old friends.
皆様こんにちは。お元気ですか? 今月はお約束通り、9月から滞在していた日本でのフォトジャーナルをお届け致します。四年ぶりの訪問となった今回は、予期せぬ出来事の数々を体験しながら、素晴らしいホリデーとなりました。まずは先月少し触れた北海道・東北旅行のレポートの続きから。
- Miyagi Prefecture 26&27 September -
Part of illustrated map of the Sendai domain (sirca 1640’s) 仙台領内手書き絵図の一部 (江戸時代前期)
Matsushima, literally meaning “Pine Island”, is listed as one of the three most scenic spots in Japan, locating on the coast of Miyagi prefecture. As it was the last stop of our Hokkaido & Tohoku holiday, we decided to book a traditional style inn with an amazing ocean-view. We were truly impressed with the fabulous sunrise and enjoyed the early morning open-air hot spring. After the beautiful Japanese style breakfast, which was served in a uniquely shaped 3-layered lacquerware, we decided to try the island cruise. It was lovely to learn that each island has its own history and story.
Matsushima was also one of the places which was damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake but the more than 260 islands in this area generated a buffer zone against the tsunami and protected the town. Matsushima suffered from the disaster much less compared to other nearby places.
- Iwate Prefecture 26th September -
Rikuzen-takata was one of the most devastated areas during the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. There were about 70,000 pine trees along the coast, which had been cherished by people over the centuries, but unfortunately only a single tree survived, and the rest were all swept away by the tsunami. This beautiful dignified lone tree, standing by a collapsed building, is a symbol of hope and courage to the Japanese.
At the end of our Hokkaido-Tohoku trip, my mum told us it was one of the best holidays in her life. So happy to hear that.!
The day before our night time 900-kilometer journey to Hokkaido, my dad, who couldn’t come with us, asked me two favours in a serious tone. One was to let my mum relax and sleep in the rear seat. Another was to look after my little brother driving all the way to Hokkaido. He asked me not to sleep during the night and keep on talking to my brother. After the 30-hour long journey from Scotland, I was a bit worried about my own jet lag, but I managed to keep my word and entertained my brother with lots of silly stories the whole night.
By the way, our dad is someone who is always making jokes so sometimes it’s difficult for me (not for my little sister and brother) to tell if he is serious or not. After four years, as he’s got older I’ve even found it difficult to tell if he was only laughing or if he was actually crying.
- Ibaraki Prefecture 3rd October -
Amabiki-kannon is a near-by temple where our cousin family lives around Mt Tsukuba. It was built in 587 and now there are lots of Koi carps, water-bids, peacocks and unusual beautiful pigeons on the temple grounds.
- Tokyo 5th October -
This temple , Nanzoin, with a history of more than 660 years, is near my parents’ home. It was a wonderful place to pop-in during the morning walk.
The colour pallet of autumn in Tokyo
Mt. TAKAO 高尾山
- Tokyo 8th October -
Yakuo-in Temple, Mt Takao, Tokyo 薬王院 高尾山 八王子
Mt Takao was designated as the most climbed mountain in the world in the Guinness Book of World Records. With an altitude of 599 meters, it is a relatively low mountain to climb. There are eight hiking courses to choose from. We took Route 6, the wildest path including where you walk on the rocks with a mountain-stream running through it.
In Japan, mountains are considered as sacred and many of the mountains have temples or shrines. Mt Takao is not an exception. There’s a blending of both Shinto and Buddhism on Mt. Takao and it has been worshiped more than 1,000 years.
When we reached the summit, Mt Fuji appeared through the morning mist amongst the surrounding mountain range. After climbing down the mountain, we enjoyed a fantastic open-air hot spring and had the local delicacy, Jinenjo yam buckwheat soba noodle for lunch.
山頂ではちょうど富士山や周囲の山々が朝靄を纏い美しく現れていました。帰りは、駅横の露天風呂と、地元特産の自然薯蕎麦を堪能。下り坂は結構きつかったですが、温泉マッサージのお陰か筋肉痛なしの快挙! 手打ち蕎麦は今回の日本滞在中、一番私の好み合う美味しさでした。
- Yamanashi Prefecture 11&12 October -
I visited my old friends in my second hometown of Japan, Lake Yamanaka at the foot of Mt Fuji. Mt Fuji with pampas grass dancing in the autumn air looked just fabulous from the Mikuni-toge Pass.
- Kanagawa Prefecture 14th October -
One of my American friends took me to this wonderful open-air folk house museum, Nihon Minka-en. It reminds me of St Faguns in Cardiff. Friendly local volunteers tell you interesting stories about the exhibited houses in the museum.
- Tokyo 14th October -
The exhibition photos were all photographed by Tobita Sanae
©National Art Center, Tokyo
I definitely wanted to visit this exhibition while I was in Tokyo. Lee Ufan, originally from South Korea, is a minimalist modern artist and has been living in Japan since the 50’s.
Art is certainly made by humans, but when I look at his work, I feel that the artist is sometimes possessed by something and is driven by it to complete the work. Some alluring large rocks gathered by Lee Ufan are simply divine.
今回の日本旅行は諸々の理由からイチデジ持参は断念したのですが、有ろうことかこの展覧会へスマホすら忘れてしまいましたが、頼りになる友人のお陰で李禹煥氏と親交のある中谷美紀さんによる音声ガイドも聞くことが出来たし、撮影許可のあった展示スペースの写真も拝借する事が出来ました。ありがとう! 展覧会あとは、ふらりと入ったオシャレな居酒屋さんで六本木の夜を満喫。
OME & OKUTAMA 青梅・奥多摩
- Tokyo 15th October -
Mamagoto-ya, Ome, Tokyo
You just can’t believe an area with such great nature is actually in Tokyo. With many lovely hiking courses as well as wonderful restaurants and museums, you will never get bored no matter how many times you visit.
The building in the photo is a tofu specialty restaurant, Mamagoto-ya. Several years ago, we celebrated our dad’s 77th birthday, Kiju, at the restaurant. Kiju, meaning "celebration of happiness", is one of the special ages in the Japanese tradition that's considered a milestone birthday celebrating longevity.
When we were younger my little sister and I used to enjoy hiking with one of our uncles around the area. One time he bought us dumplings called Heso manju, literally meaning “belly button dumplings”, before starting our hike. I will never forget how delicious they were.
There are two flavours – one is made with white sugar and the other brown. The quality of soft azuki bean paste is fantastic and also the way they steam the dumplings is really an art. I’m always utterly impressed with how perfectly they steam the dumplings. It takes about two hours to get to this sweet shop, but I visited three times while I was on holiday this time.
- Saitama Prefecture 22nd October -
Mitsumine Shirine is dedicated to two mythical deities who are said to have given birth to ancient Japan. The story is from the first written record, the Kojiki (712), which is full of amazing and interesting stories. The shrine’s 70-hector site is located in the mountains at an elevation of 1,100 meters. There are so many things to see but I would definitely recommend trying the local food (walnut soba noodle and Waraji don) in a restaurant called Ohshimaya which has a panoramic view of the mountains.
- Yamanashi Prefecture 22nd October -
Erinji is known as the family temple of Takeda Shingen, one of the most well-known historic shogunates in the Japanese history. Next time I would surely like to take more time to explore with my camera.
山梨県塩山、恵林寺は、戦国時代の武将、武田信玄の菩提寺として知られる。この素晴らしい寺は、後醍醐天皇や足利尊氏に尊崇を受け鎌倉時代から室町初期にかけ活躍した夢窓国師作庭。是非もっとゆっくりと時間をかけて訪れたいお寺。勿論次回はイチデジと共に :)
- Shizuoka Prefecture 23rd October -
Mt. Fuji
Utagawa Hiroshige No. 19 - Ejiri, from the series The Tôkaidô Road 歌川広重 東海道五十三次 江尻
On the last Sunday of my stay in Japan, we visited Miho-no-Matsubara, Pine grove at Miho, a scenic area in Shizuoka prefecture. More than 50,000 pine trees are lined up along the 7-kilometer seashore. A daily morning walk around the grove would be truly fantastic! After Miho-no-matsubara, we drove to Hamamatsu, a city which is famous for its delicious eel dishes.
Ginza, Tokyo
The last photo is a night scene of Ginza, one of the fanciest districts of Tokyo. The video was taken on the way to Narita airport heading back home.
During the stay, I had a chance to make lots of onigiri rice balls with my mum. “It’s such fun to make onigiri balls with you!” said mum. I replied “I’m sorry I live so far away.” Then she smiled and said “It might be fun because it’s only occasional”. Well, in any case I hope to visit Japan more often next year onwards.
滞在中、母と二人でおにぎりを沢山にぎる機会がありました。”一緒におにぎり作るの、楽しいね!” と母。”ごめんね、遠くに住んでいるから”と私が言うと、”時々だからいいのかもよ”と笑う母。でも来年からはもっと頻繁に日本を訪れたいです。素晴らしい思い出を本当にどうもありがとう。
After a long journey back, the Scottish village now looks totally autumnal. The cats behaved exactly the same as before. Chris bought me a fancy chocolate box and a basket of hyacinths (Plus he had an extra door made at the entrance. He also built a green house in the garden!) and our neighbours, Alex and Lori, gave me a big welcome-back bouquet – such sweet people :)
The first morning back home, I found some different types of young trees planted where there used to be a small woodland, which was all trimmed for the new housing sites during the summer. That made me almost cry – so happy to discover the new green life. I already felt homesick when I came back from Japan, but I also realized I’d actually already become a person of this village.
Thank you for visiting my blog. Happy November to you all!
翌日、朝の散歩で村の住宅開発で伐採されてしまった小さな林の一角に新しい植林が始まっていたのを目にして、思わず目頭が熱くなりました。前日、村へ着いた時は ”ああ日本が又遠い存在になってしまった”と少しホームシックを感じたものの、自分はもうこの土地の人間になったのだと実感しました。
Of course!