December Photo Diary 2022
Hello, everyone. I hope you’ve been well and enjoying the beautiful winter. Having had a warm November, this December has been freezing cold with us.
Today will be the last post for 2022, I hope you enjoy the holiday.
こんにちは。皆様お元気ですか? 忘年会にクリスマス、大掃除におせち等のお正月準備と、賑やかでお忙しい日々をお過ごしでしょうか?
We had some beautiful sunrises early this month. Sunrise is before 9am and sunset before 4pm. Compared to my life in Tokyo, I still find this extreme difference between the summer and the winter in the UK slightly disconcerting.
- Lochwinnoch, Scotland -
Castle Semple Loch, Lochwinnoch
Mid December and the ice on the local loch was getting thicker and thicker day by day.
The woods on the opposite bank leads to the Rabbit Hole.
向こう岸は、兎の穴 へと続く林。
We actually didn’t have snow, but the village was filled with the mesmerizing patterns of frost. The frozen bubbles in the loch were amazing.
One day the entire loch was frozen completely - the first time since 2010.
The loch was utterly magical that day. The ice hockey players are locals who run a great website all about this village. They told me they'd been ice-skating since they were very little. By the way, not until one of them gave me a card with their website, did we realise that we've met before while he was feeding robins from his hand. You can watch the video here.
Ice chime at the loch
After the ice started to melt, the strong winds didn't stop all day. The following day, the broken pieces of ice were gathered together by the wind, and the waves played a soothing sound.
Misty loch, one late afternoon ある日の午後。霧懸かった湖。
- Chicken with Peruvian Spice Rub -
Chris cooked chicken with Peruvian spice rub - paprika, cumin, cascabel chilli, pepper, turmeric. kaffir powder, beetroot, garlic coriander and oregano.
The bulgur wheat was mixed with some red lentil, creating a wonderful texture, with a hint of orange – it smelled divine and tasted fantastic!
The Japanese Tradition #9 [ Takasago Dolls ]
日本の伝統 #9 [ 高砂人形 ]
We celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary this year. When I visited Japan this autumn, my mum gave us her handmade kimekomi craft Takasago dolls (same as the dolls introduced at “The Japanese Tradition #2 [ Doll’s Day ]” in March 2020 post).
Takasago is one of the masterpieces of the Japanese traditional Noh theatre from the Muromachi period (1336 - 1573) and is widely appreciated to this day. It is said that Takasago dolls symbolize longevity and happy marriage. The bamboo rake that the old man holds, is to gather good-luck and the broom the woman has is to sweep away evil.
今年は、我々の結婚十周年。日本に戻った時、母が手作りの木目込み人形 “高砂” をプレゼントしてくれました。
- 1001 Days Project -
1001 Days Project 千昼一昼プロジェクト from the top left:Day 983 : June Drop, Day 984 : Shishi-odoshi, Day 986 : 1.3 Seconds, Day 988 : Tomboy's Daydream, Day 990 : Shobu-yu (Iris Leaf Bath), Day 992 : Hotel Cicada, Day 999 : Nostalgia-1, Day 1001 : Little Shrine
I’ve completed my ‘One Thousand and One Days’ art project. I personally set it up after the completion of 60 Days of Creation, a project started on Instagram at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. Thank you so much for all your warm encouragement for me to continue. The last twenty pieces are all related to my childhood seasonal memories of our old house in Tokyo.
先日、千昼一昼プロジェクトを完了致しました。千昼一昼は、60 Days of Creationというインスタグラム上で、コロナ禍にスタートしたプロジェクトを終え、私が個人的に始めたものでした。沢山の励ましの言葉、どうもありがとうございました。無事に1001日分を完成出来て、とても嬉しいです。最後の20枚は、季節ごとの子供の頃の思い出にインスパイアされました。
Thank you very much for visiting my blog this year.
Wishing you all a wonderful holiday and a fantastic 2023!