January Photo Diary 2023
- JANUARY 2023 -
Hello, everyone! I hope you’ve all been well and had a great start to 2023. Passing the winter solstice, the days are getting longer. The sunrise is now much earlier than 9 am and the sunset is nearly 5pm.
Here is my January photo journal. I hope you enjoy it.
こんにちは皆様、お元気ですか? 新年最初のひと月を如何お過ごしでしたか? こちらスコットランドは九時近くだった日の出時刻もだいぶ早まり、日没は現在五時近くまで延びてきました。
Just like the Japanese countryside, Alder trees with beautiful long male catkin flowers and woody female round cones are everywhere in the UK.
After New Year’s Day, we had rare blue skies so we drove to Largs, a nearby west-coast resort town. I found nearly intact paired scallop seashells on the beach.
Lesser Cold [6Jan-19Jan] / Greater Cold [20Jan-3Feb]
二十四節気:小寒 [1月6-19日] / 大寒 [1月20日-2月3日]
Like other temperate climates Japan has four distinct seasons and a year in Japan is divided further into 24 Seasons, called Niju-shi sekki, which is a copy of the classical Chinese calendar. Still to this modern period, we have many traditional customs and events according to the Niju-shi sekki calendar.
In the 24 Seasons calendar for January, we have Lesser Cold, Sho-kan, and Greater Cold, Dai-kan. It’s the time for new life to sprout in the seeds or under the ground. January is still a very cold month, but you start to see small signs of the new season here and there that tell us spring is definitely approaching.
一月の二十四節気は小寒、大寒。 種子の中で、生命が芽吹き始める頃。一年で最も寒さの厳しい時期ですが、新しい季節の小さな合図を、少しずつ発見できるようになります。
和菓子 パースニップの浮島 料紙
I made Ukishima, a Japanese traditional steamed sweet, for the first time in six years. Ukishima, meaning a floating island in Japanese, was named after its surface looking like a small island sticking out of the water.
Instead of traditional white bean paste for the main ingredient, I used parsnips. I thought the aroma of the root vegetable was too strong for the sweet so I added cocoa, matcha green tea powder, and black sesame and soybean flour flavours.
The three colours represent the sprouts from the ground still covered with snow. I was also inspired by the decorative Japanese washi paper called Ryoshi, which was often used for the waka poetry collection in the Heian period (794-1185).
未だ雪に覆われた地面から萌し始める緑を、平安時代の和歌集に用いられた装飾和紙、料紙の模様をイメージして作ってみました。 上記の料紙は、三十六歌仙 装飾写本 石山切伊勢集より。
- Edinburgh, Scotland -
In mid-January, we visited the Scottish National Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh as we needed to check out the wall colour in one of the gallery rooms. It was a request by an artist who is going to exhibit her work at the Watt Institution, which Chris works for.
The Scottish National Portrait Gallery opened in 1889 as the world’s first building exclusively for portraits. You are welcomed by the splendid entrance hall decorated with the giant mural surrounding the entire space featuring 155 Scotland-related significant figures and 47 constellations with 2,000 gold stars on the ceiling.
Of course, James Watt is among the 155 historic renowned people in the fresco. He is holding a steam engine model in the center of the picture.
Beginning with portraits of kings and queens from the 16th and 17th centuries, the gallery showcases various styles of portraits such as statues and photography.
The above is the Watt Institution. The building consists of a museum, art gallery, and library specialising in local history and archives.
ちなみに上記写真が、クリス所属のワット・インスティテューション。 建物は博物館、専門図書館、アートギャラリーから構成されています。
'Read & Unread' (2002/2004), John Byrne
I’d like to share some images of a portrait, which I probably liked the most from the last visit to the gallery. It’s a portrait of the Scottish actress, Tilda Swinton, famous for her role in Orlando (1992). This piece was painted by her former partner, John Byrne.
I just loved the atmosphere the work creates with the unique figure in beautiful colors.
Also, the reason why this piece was my favorite might be because she was just so familiar to me. Luckily, I’ve met her many times ….but only in my dreams so far!
この絵に惹かれた理由はそれ以外に、彼女が私にとって、あまりに親しみのある女性だからなのかもしれないです。実は私、何度も彼女に会ったことがあるんです。とは言え、まだ夢の中だけの話ですが 。。。
Photographed on Tanabata Festival, the 7th July 2021, Calder Waterfall, Lochwinnoch, Scotland
ティルダが潜水を見せてくれたカルダー滝 2021年 七夕に撮影
The most striking dream was the following one, which I had after moving to Scotland. Tilda and I were at the waterfall near our house. ‘I’m good at swimming deep underwater. Watch me!’ said her. She walked down the little cliff to the river. I watched her swimming from above and was just amazed at how gracefully she swam. In the most recent dream, we played baseball together - no idea why baseball?!
印象的だった夢は、ティルダが 、"私、潜水がすごく得意なの。見てて!" と、家の近所の小さな谷間の川まで降り、潜水を披露してくれたと言うストーリー。私はただ谷の上から何とも優雅に泳ぐ彼女の姿に、じっと見惚れていました。 最近では、お正月明け一緒に野球をしました。
Photographed at the entrance to Parkhill Wood, Lochwinnoch on the 30th January 2023
Lastly, the very first snowdrops in the village that we found the other day. I’m so much looking forward to discovering little signs of spring all over the village.
Thank you for visiting my blog. Wishing you all a happy February!
Parsley Flourishes [6-9 Jan] / Springs Thaw [10-14 Jan] / Pheasants Start to Call [15-19 Jan]
Butterburs Bud [20-24 Jan] / Ice Thickens on Streams [25-29 Jan] / Hens Start Laying Eggs [30 Jan-3 Feb]
七十二候:芹乃栄 [1月6-9日] / 水泉動 [1月10-14日] / 雉始雊 [1月15-19日]
七十二候:款冬華 [1月20-24日] / 水沢腹堅 [1月25-29日] / 鶏始乳 [1月30日-2月3日]
Sunrise at Castle Semple Loch, Lochwinnoch photographed on the 26th January 2023