Maine Coon Cats - Haiku & Mochi
Hi everyone. Hope you are well? I’m posting this blog from Brittany where we are taking part in the Festival Interceltique, Lorient. We come every summer as my curator husband organises the Welsh art exhibition. It’s been raining but most Celtic countries usually have sun, clouds and rain every day so it’s not too bad.
As promised, after Ghost and Freya, I’ll now introduce our two youngest cats, the boys, Haiku and Mochi.
Haiku (♂ born October 2011) is definitely the baby of the four. He is the mellowest but can be quite sensitive. He is very friendly and has never nipped us - not even once while all the other three do occasionally.
まずは俳句(♂ 2011年10月生まれ)。4匹の中でダントツの甘えん坊。一番穏やかでちょっと繊細な所も。とてもフレンドリーで、他の猫達から噛まれる事はあるけれど、俳句の場合は甘噛みすら一度もありません。
He loves being rubbed - whenever he finds anyone, he first makes a big stretch on the floor or against the wall then rolls over to show his tummy to ask for rubbing down his fluffy tummy. He usually sleeps showing his whole belly.
When he wants to sit on our lap, he never gives up even if we ask him to wait. He just loves sitting on your lap or lying down right next to you – he is an absolute baby.
“今はダメだから後でね” と言っても、執拗に膝に座りたがって結局は俳句の粘り勝ち。膝に座らずとも、無理矢理にでもぴったりと体を寄せてくる本当に人懐っこい彼。
Haiku is the one who never stops mewing outside of my studio to open the door. Ghost behaves well but all the other three, Haiku, Freya and Mochi would do anything so I normally don’t let them in as there are many tools and a kiln in the studio.
私が仕事部屋で作業していると、ドアの外で ”開けて開けて” とずっと鳴き続けるのも俳句。ゴーストは大人しくしているので大丈夫ですが、俳句、フレヤ、餅は何をしでかすか分からないので、基本的に仕事部屋への入室禁止。
Just like Freya, Haiku loves eating roses. When we happen to leave flowers somewhere he can reach by mistake, he just munches the leaves!!
Haiku spends most of his day with Ghost, just following her and stays right next to her wherever she is. When Ghost starts to groom herself, Haiku casually forwards his head in front of her asking her to groom him. Haiku looks like he is still training how to eat and groom like a kitten. He is lucky he has Ghost.
Haiku might look a cool cat but in reality he is a baby not a prince.
Lastly, Mochi the Monster (♂ born April 2016) !! He is four and a half years younger than Haiku. While all the rest are related to each other; Ghost and Freya’s mum is the same, Freya and Haiku’s father is the same and they are from a llama farm in West Wales but Mochi is a local Cardiff boy and it shows.
Our Little Samurai, looking grumpy is his default facial expression, but when he gets the right light for his eyes, he looks extremely gorgeously cute to me. He’s definitely exhibits a different feel to the others.
さて4匹の最後に俳句より4歳半年下の餅(♂ 2016年4月生まれ)。リトルサムライと皆んなに呼ばれて、いつも不機嫌そうな顔をしていますが、光によって目の印象が大きく変わる猫。餅が可愛く見える時は、親馬鹿ながら本当に可愛いくて。でも全くもってモンスターな彼。普段はモンちゃんと呼んでいます。
It might be because he is much younger and he is a boy, but he is the most active and hyper one. Very mischievous, he collects anything and everything from all over the house and brings them downstairs for you to find when you get up or come home – where on earth did you find this? is the most heard question.
上の3匹より年が離れていてしかも男の子であるせいか、最も活発で家のあちこちから様々なものを集めてきたり、イタズラや遊びが大好き。朝起きてくると必ず何かしら床に転がっていて、'“一体全体これをどこで見つけてきたの?” という出来事が日常茶飯事。
Matcha green tea powder on Mochi’s nose
Mochi seems like he is eating a lot but he weighs very little despite his size so he might only be scattering the cat biscuits. Our cats normally eat only biscuits made for Maine Coons apart from a Saturday morning treat pouch but Mochi is really fond of the milk and bread we eat as well and tries to eat and drink our breakfast as well. He loves eating cotton, paper and fur, both his own and others!!
Although he is the most chatty, unlike Haiku, Mochi quietly waits outside the studio door for it to open. While other cats don’t like to be picked up unless they want to, Mochi doesn’t mind being picked up and held – he is quite chilled.
When sleeping he somehow manages to get half of his body outside of his basket or a ceramic bowl – he can’t seem to work out how to fit in them!!! Until we had Mochi I always thought Haiku’s fur was the softest but Mochi’s fur is extremely soft like a rabbit’s. He is a champion fur-ball manufacturer as well.
Being a cat, strangely Mochi is not good at balancing himself. While Freya walks on the railings so elegantly, Mochi always looks awkward and does an erratic walk when he is high up somewhere and is always on the verge of falling off.
His behavior, manner and poise are rather like a dog’s than a cat’s. He loves licking Chris’ face and grooming my hair, quite forcefully (so does Ghost, actually)!! He definitely doesn’t think we are humans.
When Ghost bites us, it’s only a nip but when Mochi was still a kitten, he had a bad biting habit. I thought it was slightly rather extreme so I checked the internet for some information about it. Everyone says biting-back is the solution and everyone says it works; people say we need to teach them being bitten is aching. Kitten Mochi got used to us quickly so I didn’t want to take a risk to damage our relationship but I decided to go for the biting-back method. The result was a success. When I bit his ear, he immediately stopped biting just like by the shock of being bitten but after a second, he started to lick me. I needed to train him for a while, but he stopped the biting habit.
それから … ゴーストが噛んだとしても甘噛みであるのに対して、餅は特に小さい頃、噛み癖があまりにヒドくて、ネット調べた所、皆さん同じことを話していて、そしてどの方も効果抜群とレポートしていたのが”噛み返す”という方法でした。”噛まれると痛いんだよ” というのを猫にきちんと教えた方が良いという事。なのであまり遠慮気味ではなく、しっかりと噛み返すのが◎。餅は初日から私達と一緒に寝てくれる程すぐに懐いていたので、この方法はちょっと勇気がいりましたが、早速噛まれた際に彼の耳で試してみた所、ピクッと驚いた様子で噛むのを止めて一瞬戸惑って見せたものの直ぐに私の手を舐め始めたんです。ネット通り効果抜群。勿論どの猫ちゃんにも良い方法という訳ではないと思いますが、暫く続けていると噛み癖はなくなりました。
I could talk about our cats forever, but I will stop it here. I hope you enjoy the post!
The 24 Seasons is already the 1st pentad of ‘Beginning of Autumn’ and the 72 Micro Seasons is ‘Cool Winds Blow’. After the Obon season, which is a Buddhist tradition when it is believed our ancestors’ spirit return to this world; even if the temperature is still extremely high, you can definitely feel a touch of autumn coming in the air.
The next blog post will be from Cardiff. I hope you have a great holiday!! Thank you very much for visiting my blog.
さて、二十四節気はもう立秋。そして72候は涼風至 すずかぜいたる。お盆が過ぎると、確実に秋の気配を感じるようになりますものね。