Lorient 2019 Black & White Photography

Mackintosh-like spiral, Église Notre-Dame-de-Victoire de Lorient

Mackintosh-like spiral, Église Notre-Dame-de-Victoire de Lorient

Hi everyone. Hope you are well? We’ve returned to Wales early this week. Today I’m posting some black & white photography from our journey to Lorient, Brittany, France.

皆様こんにちは。お元気ですか? 私たちは今週初め、フランスブルターニュ地方ロリオンのケルト文化祭りよりウェールズに戻りました。今日は滞在中に撮ったモノクロ写真をご紹介致します。

- L I N E -

Restaurant wall, Gourin

Restaurant wall, Gourin

Details, Lorient

Details, Lorient

Hôtel de Gabriel, Lorient

Hôtel de Gabriel, Lorient

Baby blue windows and the blue skies, Port Louis

Baby blue windows and the blue skies, Port Louis

La Plage, Port Louis

La Plage, Port Louis

The calm during the storm, Port Louis

The calm during the storm, Port Louis

Texture, Port Louis

Texture, Port Louis

Jordan & Aneirin playing Crug y Bar, Église Notre-Dame-de-Victoire de Lorient

Jordan & Aneirin playing Crug y Bar, Église Notre-Dame-de-Victoire de Lorient

Monday morning, Église Notre-Dame-de-Victoire de Lorient

Monday morning, Église Notre-Dame-de-Victoire de Lorient



Lorient Council Hall

Lorient Council Hall

Lorient Council Hall Gallery

Lorient Council Hall Gallery

Street, Lorient

Street, Lorient

Tears in the glasses, Tavarn Ar Roue Morvan, Lorient

Tears in the glasses, Tavarn Ar Roue Morvan, Lorient

Artichoke, Halles de Merville, Lorient

Artichoke, Halles de Merville, Lorient


- W A T E R -

Morning arrival, Roscoff

Morning arrival, Roscoff

Storm, Port Louis

Storm, Port Louis

A hazy distant island, Port Louis

A hazy distant island, Port Louis

Breton sky, The Nantes - Brest Canal, Port de Carhaix

Breton sky, The Nantes - Brest Canal, Port de Carhaix

Sunset, Plymouth, England

Sunset, Plymouth, England

Au revoir! À l'année prochaine:), Armorique

Au revoir! À l'année prochaine:), Armorique

A lot more colour photos are on Instagram Stories Highlights . For more about the festival, please visit the following pages in my old blog as well as this Youtube video.

2013: https://locca.exblog.jp/m2013-08-01/





The 24 Seasons is already the 2nd pentad of ‘Beginning of Autumn’ and the 72 Micro Seasons is ‘Evening Cicadas Sing’. Towards the end of summer, I always remember my childhood memory of Tsuku-tsuku boshi cicadas singing in our old house garden. What are your childhood memories in the summer?

Thank you very much for visiting my blog! Have a lovely weekend ♫

カラー写真はインスタグラムストーリーハイライトにてご覧頂けます。旧ブログ “四番目の猫“の各年記事は上記リンクよりご覧下さいね。今年のハイライトは Youtube でもフィーチャーされています。

今日もブログ訪問ありがとうございます。二十四節気は立秋に入りましたが、72候は寒蝉鳴 (ひぐらしなく) です。夏が終わりに近くと、庭で響渡るツクツクボウシの鳴き声に耳を澄ませていた子供の頃をいつも思い出します。 皆さんはどんな夏の思い出がありますか?
