Maine Coon Cats - Ghost & Freya

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Hello, everyone. I hope you are well? It’s been very hot in Wales this week though nothing compared to some European countries and London.

皆様こんにちは。お元気ですか? ヨーロッパ大陸の国々やロンドンに比べるとだいぶマイルドですが、ウェールズもかなり暑い日が続いていました。

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Today’s topic is cats! My partner, Chris, had a cat allergy but he discovered by chance that he was somehow fine with Maine Coons when he visited one of his friends who had one. Maine Coons are the largest domestic cats and their nature is rather like friendly dogs. Now we live with four Maine Coon cats, Ghost, Freya, Haiku and Mochi. Today I’d like to introduce the oldest our two girls, Ghost and Freya.

さて、本日のトピックは猫。元々猫アレルギーだったパートナーのクリス、ある日友達の家に遊びに行った際、メインクーンにはアレルギー反応が出ない事を偶然発見。 メインクーンは大型で、性格は猫というより犬に近いかもしれません。現在はゴースト、フレヤ、俳句そして餅の4匹を飼っています。今日は上の女子二名、ゴーストとフレヤをご紹介致します。

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Ghost (♀ born December 2009) is definitely the queen. She is also the biggest amongst the four.


Yet she can still behave like a little baby even as she gets older, especially over the last couple of years. She now lets me hold her and sometimes even asks me to pick her up.


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She has such presence but during feeding time, she always waits aside from the other three until they finish eating before she starts. She doesn’t show any interest in food for humans. I would say she is the easiest to look after.


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As Ghost is the first cat for me to live with, I have a special affection for her. I even had a dream that Ghost became a human being!


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Freya (♀ born January 2011), a year younger than Ghost, is the smallest amongst four and she has the most typical cat-character. All the other three are usually with us including bed time, but Freya always prefers solitary activities.


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She is just like a ninja but can be quite funny and comical. Since four or five years ago, she comes and sits on my lap. When she walks around me twice, that’s a sign that I can pick her up.


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Chris definitely doesn’t consider Freya as a cat, he’s madly in love with her. Whenever he talks to her, his voice goes up two octaves. Freya is a heart-melter to Chris.



Next Saturday will be a studio report. The following week, the 10th August, I’ll introduce the two boys, Haiku and Mochi.

The 24 Seasons is the 1st pentad of Greater Heat and the 72 Micro Seasons is

Paulownia Trees Produce Seeds. I always use a traditional paulownia wood box for my jewellery, but I’ve never seen its flower. It is said that the paulownia tree has tiny purple flowers.

We are leaving for Interceltique de Lorient soon, where Chris organizes a Welsh art exhibition every year. This year we feature our photojournalist friend, Glenn Edwards. We’re sure everyone will enjoy his work. Wishing you a fantastic summer!!


二十四節気は大暑。七十二侯は桐始結花 きりはじめてはなをむすぶ。私にとって桐箱はとても身近な工芸品ですが、花を見た事は未だありません。桐の可愛らしい紫の花が実を結ぶ時期との事。

来週はいよいよケルト祭ロリアンへ出発。毎年、ウェールズアーチストをご紹介する展覧会をフランスブルターニュで開催しています。今年は友達のフォトジャーナリストGlenn Edwardsをフィーチャー。きっと多くの方々に楽しんで頂けると思います。皆様もどうぞ素敵な夏を!!