Cloisonné Enamelling
Hello, everyone.
Hope you are all well? We’d been enjoying beautiful summer days recently but now grey skies have arrived in Wales.
Today I’d like to introduce some of the materials and tools I use for cloisonné enamelling.
皆様こんにちは。お元気ですか? ずっと素晴らしい夏の気候が続いていたウェールズでしたが、今週末は少し涼しいです。さて本日は、有線七宝という伝統工芸で使う材料や工具のご紹介。
The yellow coloured substance in the black inlayed cannister is a sea plant called Funori. We cook it and use it as a glue by mixing it with enamel glaze.
The purple powder on the white coral is counter enamelling glaze. Enamelling is a craft technique where enamel glaze is fused onto a metal surface by firing in the kiln. Due to the different degrees of shrinkage between the glaze and metal when firing, it is usually necessary to sandwich the metal with enamel glaze on both sides in order to avoid cracking; this process is called counter enamelling.
手前の珊瑚の上に見えている紫色の粉は、七宝の裏引用釉薬。 七宝焼きとは、金属の板にガラス質の釉薬を焼付ける工芸ですが、金属板が薄い場合は両サイドから釉薬でをサンドイッチし、窯で焼成する際に起こる金属と七宝材の収縮率の違いから起きる釉薬の割れを防ぎます。
On the left side, you can see micro-thin ribbon strips made of pure silver. There are many types of enamelling; for cloisonné (meaning ‘cell’ in French), we use these silver ribbons to outline the design before applying the different enamel colours.
The powder is called Hakkyu / Hakukyu. It’s made from starch from orchid bulbs and we use it as glue when we apply the silver ribbons onto the metal surface.
The photo on the right shows the complete design outlined in silver ribbon. Afterwards, we spray a thin coat of Funori liquid on the surface then sift transparent enamel over it. The ribbons will be set securely onto the metal by firing in the kiln at a temperature between 760 and 780 Celsius.
右写真は、銀線を立て終わった状態です。この後、布海苔を薄めた液をスプレーし、その上から透明の七宝を満遍なく振りかけ、乾燥させてから760- 780度位の窯で焼成。アウトラインの銀線を金属板にしっかりと固定させます。
For enamelling and metalsmithing, some of the tools used are the same as the ones used by dentists. The tweezers are called Moyou-bashi, meaning design sticks in Japanese.
After finishing the base preparation, we can finally start to apply coloured enamel. For more information about cloisonne enamelling, please visit Enamelling on this website. (The featured article in ‘INSTANCE OF THIS‘ on TOGETHER & SUNSPELL by Irina & Silviu is not available now.)
I will talk about the Japanese ancient design in Cloisonne Enamelling #2 on the 3rd of August. The next life story blog post is about our four Maine Coon cats, Ghost, Freya, Haiku and Mochi.
According to the ancient Japanese calendar, 72 Seasons, it’s Hawks Learn to Fly. I wonder if you would like to learn something new this summer?
Thank you very much for visiting my blog. I hope you enjoy the article. Have a lovely weekend!!
*Cloisonné enamel jewellery is available on my Etsy Shop : or please message me through Contact Page on this website.
*Please sign up to subscribe to my blog. I post about new work, events, sales and so much more :)
全てのベース工程が終了後、ようやく色付きの七宝釉薬をのせ始めます。より詳しい工程は、本ウェブサイトのEnamelling (英語)も合わせてご覧ください。
七十二候は、鷹乃学習 (たかすなわちたくしゅうす)。鷹の子供が飛ぶことを覚え始める季節とのこと。皆様はこの夏、何か習い始めたいことがありますか?
それでは、どうぞ素敵な週末を!! 今週もブログ訪問どうもありがとうございます :)
*有線七宝のアイテムはEMOSIWN ETSY SHOPにてご覧頂けます。ご質問やご購入のお問合せ、リクエスト等は Contact Pageより日本語にてメッセージをお願い致します。
*ブログ更新のお知らせ等、News Letterご希望の方は下記よりへご登録下さい。