The Cherry Season
Hello, everyone. I hope you are well and have been enjoying this beautiful season. After a break since the end of 2017, I’m re-starting my blog today.
The first crop on the beautiful plate from Robyn Cove Pottery.
最初の収穫。素敵な陶器は、同じくカーディフ在住陶芸家の友達、ロビン コーヴ作。
We have some cherry trees in our little garden. One of the trees bore 121 cherries this year. We had zero last year so it was a happy surprise. I wanted to celebrate the cherries and made some non-bake chocolate & turmeric biscuits with cherry & amaretto icing.
We’ve added some fruit plants from the Rare Plant Fair and some local super markets - apple, pear, fig, quince and etc. They’re growing all well but I’m especially looking forward to harvesting quince in a few years time.
今年はRare Plant Fairや、地元のスーパーからフルーツの苗を沢山購入しています。林檎、梨、無花果、花梨など。順調に育っていますが、特に花梨はとても楽しみ。
Haiku, one of our four Maine Coon cats, joined me for the photo session. He’s the babiest amongst the four.
According to the ancient Japanese calendar, 24 Seasons, it’s the Lesser Heat and the First Lotus Blossom in 72 Seasons. Beautiful white and yellow lotus flowers have been blooming on the little canal near where I live.
さて、二十四節気は小暑、次候。七十二侯は、蓮始開 (はすはじめてひらく)。散歩コースの小運河には、白や黄色の蓮の花が元気に咲いています。
New blog posts will be about little life stories as well as creative thoughts and inspirations from my studio in Cardiff.
Have a lovely weekend!!