June Photo Diary 2022
- JUNE 2022 -
Hello! Today is the final post of the spring edition of the three seasonal photo journals.
こんにちは。お元気ですか? 今日は3回に亘る季節のフォトジャーナル春編の最終回です。
Photo by Christopher J Wilson
Photo by Christopher J Wilson
Compared to May, it seems like we have finally drier weather after such wet months. Chris took some photos of wild baby rabbits we often meet during a walk. Around the lake, it is a baby season for various creatures.
The area I sometimes encountered roe deers during the winter is now completely covered with ferns.
We went to a local country park for a picnic the other day. Climbing a steep slope, you can reach the top called Windy Hill. As the name suggests, the wind was so strong that we needed to leave the site to escape from the wind. Even though it has such a fabulous landscape, there was no one around. Only the skies, the hills, a few sheep and invisible birds’ chirping.
地元のカントリーパーク。ここは急傾斜を登り切って辿り着くWindy Hillという丘。名前の通り風が強くて、ピクニックは早々に引き上げました。こんなに素敵な場所なのに、人っ子一人いない。空と丘と羊が数頭に姿の見えない小鳥のさえずりのみ。
The roses in the garden are blooming beautifully this year as well. The tree looks like to have more buds than last year. The scent is also wonderful.
Epimedium youngianum Niveum:We've been collecting plants with a Japanese-feel from a nearby nursery. This flower is called [ Hime-ikari so ] in Japanese, literally means princess anchor plant, derived from the shape of the flower which looks like an old Japanese style anchor with four arms. So delicate, so pretty.
姫碇草:車で20-30分程のガーデンセンターを見つけてから、日本的な雰囲気の植物を積極的に集めています。 写真は新しく庭に迎えた姫碇草。花の形が和式船に使われていた四本爪の碇に似ていることから名付けられたそう。明治以降、洋式の二本爪の [錨] が日本へ紹介されて以降、元々は石製を指していた漢字 [碇] は使われなくなったとの事。姫とつく名前に相応しく可憐な花。葉の形も左右非対称で日本的なところがより魅力的。
Report #1
- The Burrell Collection, Glasgow -
We visited the Burrell Collection, which just reopened this spring, is located in the woodlands on the outskirts of Glasgow. It is a museum that showcases a collection of 9,000 items donated to Glasgow City in 1944 by William Burrell (1861-1958), a shipping magnate in those days. From the exotic arts and crafts collected from the east and west, to my favorite portraits of the 16th century, amazing exhibits are housed in spacious rooms.
The building, which was renovated over the course of six years, is a lovely museum with modern illuminations and fun gimmicks for kids. The arranged furniture is also cool, and the cafe is relaxing overlooking the green fields through the glass wall. After arriving, we straight went to a restaurant for breakfast. The quality of coffee and pastries were also good that made me thrilled and look forward to explore the museum.
A great collection of ancient Egyptian reserves, 6-7th century Zui Dynasty pottery, 12th century elephant ivory box with Byzantine & Islamic design elements made by Muslim craftsmen in Norman Sicily, and ancient Greek 7th century BC unisex aroma oil flask bottle pottery.
古代エジプトの埋蔵物、6-7世紀 随王朝時代の土器、ビザンチンとイスラム王朝の特徴をミックスしたデザインを施した12世紀ノルマン朝時代の象牙箱、古代ギリシャ紀元前7世紀 男女兼用のアロマオイル用のフラスコ瓶土器など素晴らしいコレクションです。
The only Japanese work I found this time - Hokusai woodblock print.
The Spanish Chair by Børge Mogensen, 1958
Apart from the exhibits, one of the things I was impressed with was the furniture placed in the museum, especially the chairs, which definitely had a strong presence. I researched about it and found out it’s actually a very famous chair called Spanish Chair made by a Danish furniture designer, Borge Mogensen. It is said that the name comes from the design that incorporates the techniques of traditional Spanish furniture. In Japan, the chair is sold for over £5,000!
From the professional perspective of Chris, who has worked in the museum and gallery industry for many years, he had a lot of reservations about what had been done, but it is relatively a short drive from home, and like many British museums, it’s free, they just ask visitors for some donation so it’s definitely worth revisiting. Besides, the museum is located in huge woodlands. After enjoying the museum, you can also take a walk in the pleasant and quiet forest where the Scottish native Highland Cows welcome you. I definitely want to visit again in the near future.
展示美術品もさることながら、ミュージアムのあちこちに配置された存在感のある椅子が印象的だった今回。一脚でも家に欲しいなと思って調べてみると、デンマーク人家具デザイナー、ボーエ・モーエンセンによる作品、その名もスパニッシュチェアー (1958)。スペインの伝統家具技法を取り入れた特徴が名前の由来だそう。日本では一脚80万円也。
Report #2
- Potfest Scotland @ Scone Palace, Perth -
The next week was POTFEST SCOTLAND, which we visited last year as well. The pottery market where Wendy, a potter from the same village as us, also participated. The venue is the Scone Palace in the town of Perth, which is about an hour and a half drive away. We bought some pieces from the same potter as last year.
The Scone Palace is also known for the beautiful peacocks including rare white ones. It seemed that the number of the birds has increased since last year and there were some baby ones strolling among people having a picnic.
After enjoying the pottery market, we went for a walk to see a collection of giant pine trees called Pinetum. The collection started from seeds brought back from North America in the early 19th century. Among them, Western Hemlock has fresh new leaves, and the deep green female cones that swell up are really beautiful along with the old brown pine cones.
Strawberry & Radish Salad
Strawberry & radish salad with herb blossoms from the garden ❤️💜 This spring is overwhelmingly rainy compared to last year. According to Alex next door, it was the wettest in recent years. I hope the sun will come out a little more for our strawberries and radishes for the next time.
Thank you for visiting the monthly photo journals. Wishing you all a beautiful summer!!
1001 Days Project 千昼一昼プロジェクト from the left:Day 582 : Her back profile, Day 602 : A visitor on the roof
Thank you for visiting our blog. Wishing you all a fantastic season by Freya xx