July Photo Diary 2022
- JULY 2022 -
Hello, everyone! I hope you are all well? Here is my July blog about a little happiness discovered in everyday life in our little Scottish village.
こんにちは。お元気ですか? スコットランドの村の日常で見つけた小さな喜びを、7月のフォトブログとしてお届けします。
The landscape around the loch has been completely wrapped in a summer air. The beautiful purple of Yorkshire Fogs is a particular stand out in the local fields this year. Perhaps because of continuous rain in the spring, it seems like flowers such as Meadow Sweet, buttercups, hedge bindweed flowers and Welsh poppies have grown much more than last year.
すっかり夏の景色と化した地元の湖周辺。今年は、優しい紫の映えるヨークシャーフォグの稲が目立ちました。春に多く降った雨の影響か、メドースイート (西洋夏雪草) や、金鳳花 (きんぽうげ)、昼顔 、ポピーなど湿地帯を含め、草花が昨年より多く自生している様に感じます。
Lesser Burdock (?) and notorious Scottish midges
Meadow Sweet
Sparkling summer loch
The tendril looks like Pickett from Fantastic Beasts :)
巻きひげが、ファンタスティックビーストのピケットみたい :)
Chris planted pea shoots in the spring and I’ve been eating them as salad. One day I noticed there were lots of pods amongst them. Looking so sculptural and amazing, I just couldn’t stop photographing them (ended up taking more than four hundred, just crazy) I was so impressed with the beauty of the plant.
The radishes have grown well with its delicate flowers and then pretty seed pods. Vegetables at each growing phase are an utterly thrilling magical world.
Conversed with strawberries, happily sitting on a lovely Robyn Cove plate.
We bought some strawberries called Pegasus at a local nursery and I’m glad some grew well even under the continuous wet weather. They had a shiny red colour and the freshly cropped strawberries were sweet and delicious.
We were planning to replace the current old shed in the garden but because of the very long wet months we have had through spring and summer, which has badly affected our fruit and veg this year, we decided to have a greenhouse instead. We’re looking forward to growing more edible plants.
Alex and Lori, our neighbors, gave us these beautiful sweet peas from their garden. I didn’t know the flower had such amazing scent. After it flowered there were many little pea pods on the stems.
- Kelvingrove Art Gallery & Museum -
Glasgow is the third biggest city in the UK and it’s just less than 30-min train ride from our village. We visited Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in early July.
The Floating Heads installation by Sophie Cave, hung over the foyer
レセプションエリアの天井から吊るされたソフィー ケイヴによるインスタレーション [フローティングヘッズ]
The pipe organ recital takes place every day in the Centre Hall at the museum.
The gallery opened its door to the public when there was the Glasgow International Exhibition in 1901. The architecture, its exterior and interior are gorgeous Spanish Baroque style but what I was looking forward to the most was the collection of Charles Rennie Mackintosh, who was one of the most iconic figures of Art Nouveau design. I was so into his work when I was studying interior design in London in my twenties.
The Wassail by Charles Rennie Mackintosh, 1900
The details of The Wassail
My favourite work in the collection was The Wassail, which is one of the two large gesso wall panels originally created for The Ladies' Luncheon Room at a tearoom on Ingram Street, Glasgow at the beginning of the 20th century. The oil paint panel was adorned with various materials such as glass beads, threads, and mother-of-pearls. It is said that the pattern and the design were influenced by the Japanese woodblock prints or the traditional kimono.
The word “Wassail” comes from the Old English “wæs hæil” which means “Good health” or “To your health”, used as a toast. Later it also came to mean a seasonal liquor then ultimately indicates celebration. Paired with the other panel, The May Queen, subjects to Spring Blossoming or Summer’s Rebirth, Mackintosh’s The Wassail is generally said to symbolise Winter Sleep.
However, considering the origin of the word “Wassail”, and how the word’s meaning has developed, there is also another way to see The Wassail that embodies a ritual by farmers wishing for the fertility of their crops and growth of animals by drinking to their health as well as pouring a libation into the land.
Interestingly in Japan, even to this day, we often pour Sake, a traditional alcoholic beverage made with rice, into the ground when we plant trees for a special occasion or when we start the construction on a new house or building. Sake has always been regarded as a sacred drink.
ワセイルとは古英語 "素晴らしい健康"が語源で乾杯の際に使われていた言葉。後に季節的なお酒を、そして更には祝福を示すような言葉へと発展したそう。この「ワセイル」はもうひと組の作品、「メイクイーン」が春の開花や夏の再生を象徴するのに対し、冬の眠りを表していると、一般には伝えられています。
Although the room is not large, the exhibits are introduced with inspirational displays by categories such as furniture for his famous tea rooms and private houses as well as fascinating works by other artists which allows you to study the design trends of the time.
The front entrance of Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Glasgow
We left the museum and strolled around the West End area towards the Botanical Garden. After a long walk in the hot weather, the German wheat beer we had was unbearably delicious!
お天気も良く暑かったこの日。美術館の後は、植物園方面へウエストエンドを散策。沢山歩いたあとのビールが堪らなく美味しかったデス :)
Gruyère & Mushroom Tart
Local Scottish Aryshire potatoes and thyme flowers from the garden.
Instead of a gorgeous exotic heavenly beach, we are enjoying peaceful days with our furries this summer. Freya is always good at finding the warmest spot in the house but the sleepy girl rolls over and often gets stuck between the audio and the wall!
Thank you for visiting the monthly photo journal. Wishing you all a happy August!!
1001 Days Project 千昼一昼プロジェクト from the left:Day 609 : Gleam on the textile, Day 618 : The colours in the Box A, Day 620 : Cefyn Burgess' pencil case, Day 630 : The colours in the Box B, Day 631 : The blue string of the bamboo mat, Day 633 : Moss and branches, Day 640 : Beautiful pattern on the warm-eaten wood, Day 648 : Basket
1001 Days Project 千昼一昼プロジェクト from the left:Day 658 : Harp, Day 662 : Christopher Dresser B, Day 665 : Christopher Dresser D, Day 669 : Christopher Dresser E, Day 662 : Christopher Dresser B, Day 671 : Wassail #2, Day 673 : Wassail #3, Day 678 : Wassail #9, Day 688 : Butterfly C
A scene in the studio, one Saturday afternoon