August Photo Diary 2022
- AUGUST 2022 -
Hello, everyone. I hope you’ve been well and had a great summer. In August we finally enjoyed some hot days. It was so warm that I didn’t need to wear socks, and nothing could beat fresh morning walks. Here is my August Photo Journal for you.
こんにちは。皆様お元気ですか? 八月はスコットランドの小さなこの村でも、ようやく夏日が連日続く気候に恵まれました。素足で過ごせる程暖かく、朝の散歩の気持ちの良さは格別です。今月も季節のフォトジャーナル、お楽しみ頂けますように。
Quiet summer loch. I often saw people enjoying kayaking or canoeing in the early morning. Having a chance to watch them was a bit like a little bonus to me. It’s always inspiring to see people who fully enjoy their lives.
It’s relatively easy to grow any of the bean family and we managed to crop lots of peas, broad beans and French beans. We were excited about growing okras and yellow courgettes this year but neither survived under the prolonged rain in the late spring. Having a greenhouse for the garden later this year, we hope to crop lots of them next year!
The nearby nursery is one of the biggest in Scotland and they have many exotic plants from Asia as well. There is a lovely coffee stand attached so we often visit there on the weekends.
This flower is Hydrangea Paniculata Sundae Fraise. The Japanese name is Nori-utsugi, which literally means glue-Deutzia. The name was derived from the fact that the bark is used as glue for traditional Washi paper.
The flower starts a pale lime green colour then white. Afterwards, it gradually gets a beautiful mellow pink and finally, as the French name, Sundae Fraise, suggests strawberry pink.
The white flower petals are like cabbage butterflies as well as textured washi paper. The flower feels simple and tender but our imaginations can't help but be sparkled by its beauty.
この花は、アジサイ科 / ユキノシタ科 アジサイ属落葉低木の糊空木 (ノリウツギ)。和名の由来は、樹皮が和紙の糊料として使われることに因んでいるそう。花はまず淡いライムグリーンに始まり白へと変化した後、次第に美しいピンク色からストロベリーサンデーという仏名の示す通り、熟れた苺色へと落ち着いて行くようです。
Hydrangea Paniculata Sundae Fraise
Along with the hydrangea, we bought Japanese origin Kirengeshoma Palmata, white Japanese anemones, and Kerria, which we’ve been wanting for since last year. If they all flower well, I’d love to share the images on my blog.
The English name, Kerria, for Japanese Yamabuki, was named after a Scottish gardener and a plant hunter, William Kerr. In those days, the 17th to the mid 20th century, Europe saw an enormous boom in horticulture, including the Tulip Mania in the Netherlands. Not only governments but various institutions and upper-class plant-enthusiasts sent specialists all over the world to collect useful plants for food, perfume, medicine or textile fabrics as well as ornamental exotic plants for gardens and conservatories. Kerria was the plant Kerr sent back from China to Kew Gardens.
先日はこの糊空木と一緒に、同じく日本原産アジサイ科の黄蓮華升麻 (キレンゲショウマ)、英国ではジャパニーズアネモネの名で知られる白い秋明菊 (ショウメイギク)、去年からずっと欲しかった山吹 (ヤマブキ) を購入。花が無事咲いてくれたら、フォトジャーナルに載せますね。
山吹の英学術名 Kerriaは18、19世紀に活躍したスコットランド出身の植物学者William Kerr (ウィリアム カー)に因んで名付けられたそう。ウィリアム カーは17世紀から20世紀半ばにかけヨーロッパで広がった職業、植物収集家 プラントハンターでもあったとのこと。
Epimedium youngianum Niveum
This is Epimedium youngianum Niveum, I mentioned it in the June Photo Journal. Having dried, the amazing lacy leaf vein appeared. It looks like the veins in the wings of Tsuku-tsuku-bohshi cicada. To the Japanese, Tsuku-tsuku-bohshi is an iconic type of cicada telling us that summer is ending soon. The cicada’s name was due to how they sing. Tsuku-tsuku-bohshi closely connected to my childhood memories.
Through the persimmon tree, swinging light fell on the ground
quiet summer afternoon, cicadas’ songs sit on the silence
‘Perhaps what one wants to say is formed in childhood and the rest of one’s life is spent trying to say it.'
by Barbara Hepworth (1903-1975)
イギリス人彫刻家 バーバラ ヘップワース (1903-1975)
Later I froze it and have been enjoying eating it as sorbet. Wonderfully refreshing! I hope to grow some on my own next year.
The above photo of three men was stealthily taken one morning around Barr Castle. They seemed like very close friends, chatting nonstop.
One of the things I love about this village is the truly friendly and happy people. They not only say hi with a big smile, they often wave to me. I’ve noticed when they are with their hands full, they say hi showing a gesture of tilting their head to one side.
One of the three men might have felt my presence behind them, he looked back and waved at me from a distance. That was a lovely gift to start my day.
On the way to the Grotto. My favourite path in Parkhill Wood, Lochwinnoch. I named this area Forest of Roe Deer.
There are much more wild berries around the village this year. Some rowan berries’ colour will turn an amazing shiny pink in the autumn. The pretty berries stay on the tree during the winter.
Chris developed back trouble so we had a very quiet summer. Tsuku-tsuku-bohshi don’t sing in Scotland but now summer is ending, the kids have already gone back to school.
Writing a photo journal is therapeutic to me. Thank you for reading my blog.
I hope you have a wonderful September.
- 1001 Days Project -
1001 Days Project 千昼一昼プロジェクト from the top left:Day 732 : Tatami mat, Day 735 : Field, Day 762 : Kikko, Day 778 : Think, Feel, Listen and Smell, Day 817 : M. Cedric Grolet’s Gateaux, Day 851 : Pistache, Day 820 : M Cedric Grolet’s Le fondant au chocolat, Day 851 : Rijksmuseum Cafe, Day 852 : Frames on the wall, Day 858 : October issue 2017, Holland Herald, KLM inflight magazine, Day 860 : Kitchen cabinet, Day 861 : Flowers in the bamboo basket