Autumn Harvest


Hello, everyone! I hope you are well? We had a beautiful Harvest Moon last night. I hope you had a clear sky to see the moon where you live.

I’ve been looking forward to this season for all the fascinating plant and flower transformations it brings. Here are some from our garden and souvenirs of days out.




seed pods
seed pods
chestnuts & freya the maine coon
chestnuts & freya the maine coon
chestnuts & freya the maine coon
chestnuts & freya the maine coon
Lunaria / Honesty seed pods
Lunaria / Honesty seed pods
Lunaria / Honesty seed pods
Lunaria / Honesty seed pods

The first seed pod I was fascinated by this year was definitely this Lunaria Annua (Honesty). I was so impressed with these magical seeds when I first discovered them in our garden. The seeds in the front are the cherries I mentioned before.

私が初めて植物の種に魅せられたのは合田草。学名ルナリアはラテン語のルナ(月)が語源。ほおずきの様に種を包んでいる袋が月に似ている事から、その名が付いたそう。初めて種が庭で出来上がっているのを発見した時は本当に感激しました。 手前の種は、あの時のさくらんぼ

Poppy seed pods

What I was most looking forward to this year were the poppy seed pods we were given by our friends in the early summer. Now the beautiful pods are completely dry and I was able to harvest hundreds of seeds.


Lunaria / Honesty seed pods
Lunaria / Honesty seed pods
Lunaria / Honesty seed pods
Lunaria / Honesty seed pods

The 24 Seasons is ‘White Dew’ and the 72 Micro Seasons is ‘Wagtails Sing’. Are wagtails common where you live? They are seen everywhere in Cardiff.

Thank you very much for visiting my blog! Have a lovely weekend ♫

二十四節気は白露。72候 は鶺鴒鳴 ( せきれいなく ) です。イギリスでは、セキレイはとても身近な小鳥。餌をさがして、細い二本足で地面をツツツツツっと駆け足している姿を良く見かけます。英語の名の通り尾っぽをフリフリしながら 。。。( セキレイ = wag tail - wag 振る tail 尾 ) 皆さんの街ではセキレイを見かけますか?
