September & October Country Walk Photo Journal
Hello, everyone! Here are some photos from September and October. I hope you enjoy the images.
こんにちは。皆様お元気ですか? 前回に引き続き9月10月編のフォトジャーナルをお届けします。
My September started with this rose sky at sunrise.
From a diary:I left home for a morning walk before sunrise at 6.23, the moon was still high in the sky. Today's loch, Kenmure Hill Temple in the distance was shrouded in mist.
Rosebay Willowherb - Gradually the nature has started to show the autumn appearance.
ローズマリーウィローハーブ - 徐々に自然界は秋の装いを見せ始めています。
Epilogue of summer garden harvest and some trial first crop of winter leafy vegetables, Mizuna 水菜 and selection of Karashina 芥子菜 mustard leaves from the garden
庭では夏野菜収穫のエピローグ。葉野菜は冬ものトライアルで - 水菜、芥子菜など
Persicaria Filiformis, I found this in the local nursery . I couldn’t resist the very Japanese feel the plants create.
Aragostine and cannoli on a beautiful plate from Robyn Cove Pottery. These Italian sweets are from the deli gift shop in the nursery.
I’ve started to take different walking paths. Only a 15-mins from home, you’ll be in the deep woodlands where we sometimes encounter roe deers. There are many different routes and we’ve been enjoying exploring the area. What we immediately noticed in Scottish woodlands around where we live now is how so many Rowan trees there are. The most striking one is definitely the pretty pink coloured one. We wonder if these are poisonous or not for birds as they stay on the trees for months and months while other types of Rowan berries have all been eaten by birds like sterlings.
Harlequin, Casperita, Acorn Green, Munchkin and etc. etc. We’d been looking forward to this pumpkin / squash season.
October Curry
Mauritius masala roasted miniature pumpkins & onions with green lentil jewel sauce.
[ Please adjust the amount of each ingredient to taste ]
1. Soak green lentils over night or more then cook until softened.
2. Cut pumpkins* into 12 (we used small munchkin) and slice onions and toss them in olive oil and spice mix and leave for a few hours ) this time we used a Mauritius Masala mix** we got from Spice Mountain in Borough Market .
3. Place the vegetables on a flat baking tray and roast on a medium heat in oven till soft and onions slightly colouring.
4. Add ghee to a pan and add garlic and ginger to taste, then add lentils and some more spice mix and warm, add tin of coconut milk and some dried chilis and cook till hot.
5. Added cumin seeds and ghee to the basmati rice then cook.
* We recommend the pumpkins, smaller ones sold at stores during the Halloween season, the colourful smaller ones (white, green, striped etc.) rather than normal pumpkins for all season. They seem like heritage types.
** Mauritius masala mix are cumin, coriander, turmeric, fenugreek, black pepper, mustard seeds, chillies, ginger, and curry leaves.
These mountains around Rannoch Moor and Glencoe looked like Magritte's paintings.
From a diary:Today was a rainbow day - lots of rainbows as the weather was changing every minute. I've never seen rainbows so close to me. The landscape reminded me of 007 Skyfall. Afterwards I discovered the area was the very location the image was filmed.
初めて訪れたハイランド地方のグレンコー。 雄大な景色は007のスカイフォールを彷彿とさせるなと感じていたら、まさにこの辺りがロケ現場だったよう。
Thank you for visiting my blog! The next post will be an autumn photo journal.
1001 Days Project 千昼一昼プロジェクト from the left:
Day223 : Cirque de la Lune - Life is a Circus, Day228 : Sentimental Bonbons, Day230 : That leaf, That gold, Same Stardust, Day262 : Composition-A