New Tea Bowls
Hi everyone, I hope you are all well? The northern part of Britain is expecting some snow this weekend.
At the end of last month Chris and I visited our new friend, Philip Hughes at his studio. Philip is a potter and a big fan of Japanese culture so I planned to do a Chabako tea ceremony for him and his studio neighbor and friend, Matthew Jones, another potter.
The traditional Japanese sweets I talked about last week were actually made for the ceremony. This was the very first time we met them but we discovered we had quite a few mutual friends and enjoyed the conversation very much. Matthew brought some of his work so I used them to serve matcha tea.
皆様こんにちは。お元気ですか? 今週末、英国北部では雪が降るようです。
Being very lucky, Matthew gave me one bowl and Philip offered us the chance to choose work from the studio to take with us. Chris and I both selected simple white bowls with different designs. I’ve been using them for my tea ceremony practice since.
When you take a closer look, the bowl I selected by Philip has subtle different colours inside and outside. The inside has slightly pinkish hue and outside is bluish; the texture is also different.
I love the round shape that sits nicely in your hand; it has a handcrafted warmth which I love so much. The bowl with white inside lets the colour of matcha stand!
I love the form of Chris’ bowl too. I especially find the line of the foot and body charming. He uses his bowl for morning coffee every day. He made some traditional Far Breton from Bretagne, France, where we visit every summer for the Interceltique de Lorient, the world’s biggest Celtic festival in summer. Chris used a recipe with rum and no butter so it’s very fluffy, light and very delicious! The orange coloured sauce is made with quince, which our friends Mari and Thomas gave us last month.
Matthew’s wonderful bowl is a true tea ceremony bowl. It has a beautiful landscape, a term we often use in Japan to describe the design of the pottery. I would say it’s very Japanese. The glaze pattern reminds me of calligraphy brush strokes – dynamic yet delicate. Or it could be a picture of mystical cosmic stardust clouds. You can tell Matthew’s sincere attempt to create this beautiful bowl in every aspect. For tea ceremony I usually do the Chabako picnic style, where most utensils needed for the ceremony all fit in a little wooden box. Matthew’s bowl fits my Chabako box perfectly.
マシューの茶碗は、正にお抹茶にぴったりの作品。茶碗の景色が素晴らしく惚れ惚れします。すごく日本的なイメージ。 ダイナミックでありながらも繊細な書道の筆遣いのようでもあり、または神秘的な宇宙に広がる星間雲のようでもあり。彼が創作へ真摯に向き合っている様子がとても良く伝わってきます。ウェールズで抹茶を点てる際は殆どが茶箱のお点前ですが、マシューのこの作品は茶箱にもぴったり収まるサイズで使い勝手も素晴らしいです。
For the photoshoot today, I made some more Chakin-shibori with leftover white sweet potato. This time it’s flavoured with Kinako soy bean powder, muscovado sugar, and cinnamon.
The 24 Seasons is ‘Beginning of Winter’ and the 72 Micro Seasons is ‘Camellias Bloom. ‘ The white camellias in our garden started flowering a couple of weeks ago. For the next few months, under Britain’s thick low clouds, those camellias will add a shining beautiful white presence amongst the wintery garden to cheer us up.
Thank you very much for visiting my blog! Have a lovely weekend ♫
二十四節気は立冬。72候 は山茶始開(つばきはじめてひらく) 。我が家の小さな庭の白椿は二週間程前から木の一番高い所から順に咲き始めました。これから数ヶ月先まで、厚く雲の立ち込めた薄暗い冬空の日でも、眩いばかりの純白の輝きに元気を分けてもらえそうです。
Photo from February 2014