24 Seasons [ Greater Heat ]
二四節気 大暑
Hello, everyone. I hope you’ve been all well? My life here in Wales hasn’t changed much since the lockdown started four months ago while in Japan the rainy season is about to end. The season is called Tsuyu / Baiu, 梅雨 meaning plum rain in Chinese characters. There are different stories about the origin of the name but one of them is from China where the season reflects the time plums ripen.
In my childhood memories, my grandmother would make homemade plum liquor using fruit from the local fruit shop. The plums were extremely tender, almost melting in your month. There is a difference between the Japanese Ume plums and the plums we find in the UK. The Japanese plums are hairy just like peaches.
皆様こんにちは。お元気ですか? 二十四節気は大暑。 こちら変わらず4ヶ月前ロックダウンに入った頃とあまり変化のない生活を送っております。日本ではそろそろ梅雨が明ける時期。梅雨の語源は諸説あるようですが、その一つには梅の実が熟す季節の雨という中国語に由来があるとの事。
この季節には毎年、祖母が八百屋さんに並んだ梅で、梅酒を漬けていました。トロケそうに柔らかくお酒に漬かった梅の実を家族で楽しんでいました。イギリスでよく見かけるプラム (すもも)と梅の違いは、表面に産毛があるかどうかなのだそう。祖母の梅には確かに産毛が付いていました。
2016 was definitely a good year for plums in the UK. I made some chutney and desserts using the fruit we were given from our friends’ neighbour. I’d like to share some photos from my old blog posts.
#1 Plum & Fig Chutney with Bay Leaf
I think this is my favourite amongst all the recipes. I added some bay leaves from our garden I talked about in the previous post. it's always lovely to have something home-grown. Fig is a great accent for texture, its petite seeds are nice and crunchy and clove gives the flavour a kick.
Ingredients:plums, figs, Bay leaves, cloves, cumin seeds, cinnamon, Anglesey smoked sea salt, Maldon sea salt, Senigallian dry chili, onions, apple, cider vinegar, brown & Muscovado sugar, dates syrup
私が特に気に入ったのが、このチャツネ。前回の記事でご紹介したベイリーフ使ってみました。家庭で育ったものを料理の材料に使うのは、楽しいものですね。無花果のプチプチ食感が良い感じで、丁字もアクセントになっています。それから秘密でお隣の庭の林檎を一つ失敬。 材料:プラム、無花果、月桂樹の葉、丁字、クミン、シナモン、イタリアンドライ チリ、玉ねぎ、林檎、アップルサイダー酢、ブラウン&マスコバド糖、デーツ (棗椰子) シロップ
#2 Plum Jam with Japanese Sake and Cardamon
日本酒のプラムジャム カルダモンフレーバー
I made jam from 1kg of the plums, adding some sake and cardamom pods. Only 300g of sugar was used so the jam tasted quite sharp.
Ingredients:plums, sugar, sake, cardamon, date syrup, lemon juice
#3 Plum Jam Semifreddo Ice Cream
I just played with all the ingredients at hand for this semifreddo using icing sugar rather than caster sugar.
Ingredients:plum jam, Greek yogurt, icing sugar, date syrup, pistachio
#3 Plum Jam Trifle
I used my favourite Lidl Greek yogurt but mascarpone would make it fancier, maybe next time.
Ingredients:plum jam, Greek yogurt, pistachios
#5 Custard Plum Tart with Breton Salted Caramel
I tried my own original recipe to bake a tart. I would add two more eggs next time to make the filling more custardy. The shortcrust pastry was made with flour and super fluffy spelt flour from our friend's German mum (Biohof Mayer Spelt, Dinkel Oberkulmer Rotkorn), which turned out to be really lovely.
The topping was supposed to be salted caramel sauce but it ended up being a crumble instead but overall it was a nice plum tart, at least it was approved by Chris :)
[filling] plums, eggs, ground almonds, milk, melted butter, rum, sugar
[shortcrust pastry] plain flour, spelt flour, butter, salt
[salted caramel crumble] Breton sea salt, light brown sugar, Muscovado sugar, date syrup, butter, double cream
[ペイストリー] 小麦粉、スペルト粉、塩
[フィリング] プラム、卵、アーモンドパウダー、牛乳、バター、ラム酒、砂糖
[塩キャラメル] シーソルト、ブラウンシュガー、マスコバド糖、棗椰子シロップ、バター、クリーム
#6 Breton Traditional "Flower of Salt" Fleur de Sel de Guérande
ブルターニュ地方ゲランド塩田 "塩の花"
I wanted to add some memory of Lorient to the fruit from our Lorient friends, Antwn and Linda so I used Breton salt for the salted caramel topping.
The salt is from one of our French friends, Soazig who lives in Lorient. Her family produce this traditional Breton sea salt. Utterly beautiful, it's really like flowers as the name suggests.
The Studio Journal #6 [ One Thousand and One Days ]
第6回 スタジオレポート [ 千昼一昼物語 ]
Here are some latest pieces from the project.
Thank you very much for visiting my blog. Stay safe and have a lovely summer.