Beginning of Autumn
24 Seasons [ Beginning of Autumn ]
二四節気 [ 立秋 ]
Hello, everyone! I hope you are well? We’ve been having a beautiful summer. It’s “Beginning of Autumn” on the ancient Japanese calendar. Today’s post is very short with a summery Hiroshige’s fireworks picture.
The Japanese Tradition #7 [ Fireworks at Ryogoku Bridge ]
日本の伝統 #7 [ 両国花火 ]
The picture above is a wood-block print titled “Fireworks at Ryogoku (1858)” from the series One Hundred Famous Views of Edo by Utagawa Hiroshige [1797-1858]. In the summer, there are fireworks festivals all over Japan. This one is the most famous in Tokyo, which started in I hope the traditional fireworks festivals will all come back next summer.
I’d like to have a break for a while and will come back with a surprise news for you.
Thank you very much for visiting my blog! Wishing you a wonderful summer. Hope you have lovely days until I see you next time :) Please take care and see you soon again!
写真は何度かご紹介している歌川広重 名所江戸百景シリーズの一枚、"両国花火"の木版画です。隅田川花火大会の由来は諸説あるようですが、来年の夏には各地の花火大会が開催される事を祈っています。