April Photo Diary 2022
- APRIL 2022 -
Hello! I hope you’ve all been well? Here is my seasonal photo journal for the first time in three months. Let’s start with the April’s journal.
We celebrated our first anniversary of moving to Scotland on the 25th April. We were welcomed by the pink cherries all over the village and we started a new chapter in our lives so this pink cherry became a very special flower to me.
こんにちは。ご無沙汰しております。皆様お元気ですか? 3ヶ月ぶりに、季節のフォトジャーナルをお届け致します。まず、本日は四月編。
Chris brought me a bouquet of roses and carnations for our anniversary.
Although the new season has definitely arrived, we still had cold days in April. The Scottish spring was under overcast skies with grey clouds.
In March I was obsessed with collecting broken willow branches. There are a couple of large willows on my daily walk and I enjoyed myself so much finding those treasures on the ground. The very first time I found this tree I was shocked by its beauty.
Protected during winter time, the fluffy silvery heads appeared out of the reddish black bud scales. The contrast of the black and silver looked amazing against the blue skies. I’m so pleased I’ve discovered another joy of springtime to look forward to every year.
Then my obsession moved to watching lambs in April. I now understand why people love spring so much because it’s the season of baby sheep!
Unfortunately I was not able to see any Panda lambs in the nearby fields but hopefully some day!
残念ながらBarr Lochのパンダ羊の赤ちゃんには出会えませんでしたが、いつの日かきっと:)
We visited Edinburgh by train for the first time. It was to receive a certificate of residence from the Consulate General of Japan.
After arriving, we straight went to a Scandinavian café for breakfast. As it was the Easter season, I wanted to have a traditional Nordic sweet bun, Semla but they didn’t have any. Chris got me a blueberry & custard pastry instead, which was really lovely.
By the way, I wonder what makes cafes such an attractive space to me?
When I was a teenager, there were ads for Nestle Coffee featuring portraits of young foreign people. There were a few versions of the ad but each had a black and white shot of a model posing holding a coffee cup in a café. I used to collect the ads cutting them out from magazines and put them on the wall in my room.
The copy was [ I like the coffee I drink with you ]. In English it might sound odd? But just like the phrase “The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” indicates “I love you” in Japanese, the copy in the ads sounded very romantic. I would like to add that there are tons of ways to say “I” and “you” in Japanese so it feels totally different depending on which “I” and “you” are used in a sentence. You can easily image what type of person he or she is by how they call themselves. It's also the same to image the relationship by how people call each other.
I’ve always loved to watch people having coffee, smoking a cigarette, or reading a newspaper (rather than a book, somehow). And the time passed, after more than 30 years, we rarely see people smoking cigarettes or reading newspapers. Yet, I still love black and white portraits and love spending time in a café.
After breakfast, we strolled around Edinburgh Castle.
『 君と飲むコーヒーが好きです。』
Edinburgh cherries were also beautiful. They were shining white against the grey skies.
It was only a few hours stay and we were caught in pouring rain in the afternoon but we got familiar with a part of the city so I’m very much looking forward to the next visit – definitely would like to enjoy the museums.
The countryside outing in April – we often go for a walk around the south part of Highlands - normally one or a two-hour drive from home. We visited Lochan a' Ghleannain in Aberfoyle one weekend. It’s part of Queen Elizabeth Forest Park, which is one of the six parks in Scotland, established in 1953 to commemorate the coronation of Elizabeth II. There are some little islands in the loch and the landscape reflected in the mirror of water surface on the lake looked fantastic.
四月の遠足。週末ハイキングは車で小一時間程のハイランド地方南部をよく訪れます。ここは、エリザベス2世の戴冠式の年である 1953年に設立したクイーンエリザベス森林公園内の湖。小さな島が点在し、鏡のような湖面に映し出された雰囲気のある景色が印象的。
Pesto Gnocchi
We repeatedly had this pesto gnocchi in April. With lots of roasted veggies, mushrooms and mozzarella. In the summer, we would be using cropped veggies from our garden, hopefully!
Thank you for reading! I’ll introduce a May journal in the next post. Have a lovely day!
1001 Days Project 千昼一昼プロジェクト Day 496 : Spring rain / Day 500 : How so fortunate we are to be able to admire the moon