60 Days of Creation
Ghost & masking tapes
24 Seasons [ Lesser Ripening ]
二四節気 小満
Hello, everyone. I hope you’ve all been well? Still in lockdown in Wales but the white roses I was talking about in the previous post, are now in full bloom. The above photo was taken last year – they are as beautiful as ever.
In the ancient calendar, 24 Seasons, it’s “Lesser Ripening” when all creatures are bustling and signs of growth can be seen everywhere.
皆様こんにちは。お元気ですか? 引続きロックダウン中のウェールズです。写真は昨年撮影のものですが、前回ご紹介した白いバラが綺麗に咲き始めました。
The Studio Journal #4 [ 60 Days of Creation ]
第4回 スタジオレポート [ 60日プロジェクト ]
During lockdown, I’ve been taking part in #60daysofcreation, which was started by Norwegian photographer, Marte-Marie Forsburg, challenging people to post something creative on SNS every day for 60 days. We’re a little more than half the way through – for the first half I chose to draw things from Carmarthenshire, where Chris is from. Something that his parents kept or something we bought from the Carmarthen Antiques Fair. For the second half I’m going to do something related to the 24 Seasons or the 72 Micro Seasons. Today I’d like to share some of those sketches and photography.
I mainly use watercolour pencils, acrylic paint or pastel colours. I’ve always loved Jean Cocteau’s work and I enjoy adding some calligraphy to the sketches.
DAY 9 [Kutani Ginger Jar]
Ginger jars were used to export ginger or spices from the east to western countries in the past. Kutani is one of the major Japanese porcelain ware styles from the Kaga region, Ishikawa prefecture. The jar is one of a pair we bought from Carmarthen Antiques Fair in 2013.
第9日 [九谷焼 生姜壺]
DAY 6 [Rhoni's coffee/chocolate pot]
Japanese Kutani ware from Kaga region circa Meiji period (1868-1912)
第6日 [珈琲又はホットチョコレートポット]
24 Seasons & 72 Micro Seasons
We have four very distinctive seasons in Japan and the year is further divided into 24 seasons, called Niju-shi sekki (二十四節気). Still to this modern period, we have many traditional customs and events according to the Niju-shi sekki calendar. While it is a copy of the classical Chinese calendar, the 72 Seasons (七十二候) calendar originates in Japan, marking little changes every five days in the Japanese seasons.
72 Seasons [20 - 25 May]
Silkworms Start Feasting Mulberry Leaves
According to the ancient Japanese calendar, it's the time that silkworms start to munch mulberry leaves. Brought from China in the 4th century B.C., silkworm cultivation had been one of the main industries in Japan. Silkworms are very familiar to Japanese. All primary school children would have an assignment to keep silkworms at home. We needed to find mulberry leaves for them in the neighbourhood and observe how they started to make a cocoon.
The illustration is a study of one of the pictures from the 19th century insects encyclopaedia, Senchufu by Kurimoto Tanshu.
七十二候 [蚕起食桑 かいこおきてくわをはむ]
スケッチは江戸時代後期、幕府医官であり本草(医薬)学者の栗本丹洲 (くりもとたんしゅう 1756-1834)による千蟲譜(せんちゅうふ)の ”カイコガ” を基にしています。
72 Seasons [26 - 30 May]
Sufflowers Bloom
Safflower, Beni-bana in Japanese, first started to be used for dyeing in ancient Egypt.It was brought to Japan through the Silk Road around the 3rd century and has been used for various purposes such as kimono textile colour, cooking oil and lipstick pigment. The flowers are initially yellow then they gradually become a dark orange. In old times, it was called Suetsumu-hana and appeared in various waka poetry. A chapter in the Tale of Genji, written in the early 11th century has a title called Suetsumu-hana.
The sketch is a study of part of a woodblock print from a Hundred Varieties of Flower by Kono Bairei published in 1901.
七十二候 [紅花栄 べにばなさかう]
4000千年も前から古代エジプトで染色の材料として使われていたとされる紅花。日本へはシルクロードを経て伝わり染料の他、食用油や口紅の顔料として貴重な植物でした。黄色い花が段々と濃い橙色へと変化する花は、古くは末摘花と呼ばれ、万葉集等様々な和歌の題材で親しまれていました。11世紀紫式部による源氏物語の巻名としても知られていますね。旧ブログにて、古今和歌集 (平安時代905年完成。醍醐天皇勅命、紀貫之等による和歌集)の一首を載せています。
スケッチは幸野楳嶺 (こうのばいれい 1844-95)による1901年完成の木版刷 “ 草花百種 “の紅花の一部を基にしています。
72 Seasons [31 May - 4 June]
Wheat Ripens and is Harvested
The drawing is from a photo I took at Artist Mundi 7 at the Welsh National Museum in 2017.
The exhibition was called “Seed Journey” by FUTURE FARMERS. Leaving Oslo on a wooden ship made in 1895 with crew members made up of a Norwegian captain, artists from New York, chefs and scientists they visited farms around the world to see where the ancient grains in the exhibition came from.
My old blog post (please use online translation for English )
七十二候 [麦秋至 むぎのときいたる]
スケッチは2017年ウェールズ国立ミュージアムでの ”種の旅”の写真を基にしています。フューチャーファーマーズという農業とアートをミックスさせた活動をしている組織による展覧会。詳細は旧ブログリンクをご覧下さい。
Thank you very much for visiting my blog. Stay safe, stay well. Wishing you a beautiful season!