24 Seasons [ Lesser Ripening ]
二四節気 小満
Hello, everyone. I hope you’ve all been well? Still in lockdown in Wales but the white roses I was talking about in the previous post, are now in full bloom. The above photo was taken last year – they are as beautiful as ever.
In the ancient calendar, 24 Seasons, it’s “Lesser Ripening” when all creatures are bustling and signs of growth can be seen everywhere.
皆様こんにちは。お元気ですか? 引続きロックダウン中のウェールズです。写真は昨年撮影のものですが、前回ご紹介した白いバラが綺麗に咲き始めました。
The Studio Journal #4 [ 60 Days of Creation ]
第4回 スタジオレポート [ 60日プロジェクト ]
During lockdown, I’ve been taking part in #60daysofcreation, which was started by Norwegian photographer, Marte-Marie Forsburg, challenging people to post something creative on SNS every day for 60 days. We’re a little more than half the way through – for the first half I chose to draw things from Carmarthenshire, where Chris is from. Something that his parents kept or something we bought from the Carmarthen Antiques Fair. For the second half I’m going to do something related to the 24 Seasons or the 72 Micro Seasons. Today I’d like to share some of those sketches and photography.
I mainly use watercolour pencils, acrylic paint or pastel colours. I’ve always loved Jean Cocteau’s work and I enjoy adding some calligraphy to the sketches.
24 Seasons & 72 Micro Seasons
We have four very distinctive seasons in Japan and the year is further divided into 24 seasons, called Niju-shi sekki (二十四節気). Still to this modern period, we have many traditional customs and events according to the Niju-shi sekki calendar. While it is a copy of the classical Chinese calendar, the 72 Seasons (七十二候) calendar originates in Japan, marking little changes every five days in the Japanese seasons.
Thank you very much for visiting my blog. Stay safe, stay well. Wishing you a beautiful season!