Summer Solstice
24 Seasons [ Summer Solstice ]
二四節気 夏至
Hello, everyone, I hope you are all well? In the 24 seasons we are now at the Summer Solstice. In the UK, the sunrise is before 5 o’clock and the sunset is around 9.30. It’s been three months since the lockdown started and still has not been lifted yet in Wales but most shops will finally be allowed to open tomorrow.
皆様こんにちは。お元気ですか? 二十四節気は夏至。一年でもっとも日の長い一日。イギリスの日の出時刻は5時前。日没は9時半です。ロックダウンが開始して3ヶ月となりますが、未だ全面解除に至っていませんが、明日からようやくお店はどこもオープンの許可が出るようです。我々はお陰様で皆んな元気にしております。
We cropped 170 small cherries from the garden but considering the zero-crop some years ago, I would say it’s still great for us. I took these photos a week ago and today I cropped the leftover ones and they look much bigger than the ones in the photos. It seems that maybe I cropped one week too early but I was worried about the birds starting to eat them. Next year I should remember the right time for our cherries is around the Summer Solstice. For the moment, I will freeze the fruit then use it for something later.
Mochi & Haiku
The government in Wales will probably ease the 5-mile travelling restriction on the 6th of July so at the moment we still can’t travel for hiking or picnic in the countryside. So instead I would like to introduce some photos of an outing to Llanthony Priory from my old blog.
来月 6日には緩和されるようですが、現在もウェールズでは外出は自宅から5マイル (8キロ)圏内とされています。そこで今日は旧ブログより、以前時々遠足に出かけていたクラントニー小修道院の写真をご紹介します。
Llanthony Priory was built around the 12th century and was destroyed by Henry VIII in the 16th century when he started the English Reformation. At the back of the priory, there was a beautiful meadow with many horses busy grazing. What we saw after crossing the stream was a sheep paradise half way to the top of some low mountains. And here and there across the pasture were several sculptural-looking dead trees lying on the ground with sheep playing hide-and-seek amongst them. I think this is a typical Welsh landscape. Definitely one of my favourite hiking spots.
12世紀初頭 に建てられたクラントニー小修道院。残念ながら16世紀ヘンリー8世による宗教改革の際、多くのローマ・カトリック修道院同様解散に追い込まれ、現在のような廃墟と化した姿に。小修道院跡の裏手に広がる美しい牧草地には、草を食む何頭もの人懐こい馬。小川を渡った先に現われたのは、周りをぐるりと低い山に囲まれた羊の楽園。そしてこの開けた空間に横たわる、巨大な枯れ木がポツリポツリ、まるで彫刻のよう。とてもウェールズらしい景観で大好きな場所の一つです。
Hay Bluff
Hay Bluff
The Studio Journal #5 [ One Thousand and One Days ]
第5回 スタジオレポート [ 千昼一昼物語 ]
The sky, the ocean, the land and the wind
I’ve completed my #60daysofcreation project that I talked about in the previous studio report. I think I’ve learnt a lot from the project so I decided to continue this activity. This time I named it ‘One Thousand and One Days’.
The other day I happened to learn about the history of the ‘One Thousand and One Nights’ or ‘Arabian Nights’. I was fascinated by the story of how the collection was developed from the original tales through various countries and was interpreted differently. I hope my project will also evolve interestingly and inspire images for my enamel work in the future.
先日偶然、今日伝えられる千夜一夜物語 [アラビアンナイト] が出来上るまでのストーリーを知りました。この有名な文学が、ササン朝ペルシャ時代にギリシャやインドの民話も含めた形で編纂されたという事。当初は千一夜にはほど遠かった数の話であった事。東洋学者であり考古学者であるフランス人から始まり各国で新たな話が付け加えられながらコレクションが進化していったという事などその歴史をとても面白く学びました。
Thank you very much for visiting my blog. I hope you enjoy the beautiful summer. Take care and see you in the next post!
今日もブログ訪問ありがとうございます。 次回投稿ではイギリスも、もう少し日常が以前に近くなっていますように。日本の皆さまは梅雨の時期、夏日も増えているようですので、どうぞご自愛下さいね。