Rain Water
24 Seasons [ The 1st pentad of Rain Water ]
二四節気 雨水
Hello everyone. I hope you are all well? This weeks’ 24 Seasons ancient calendar theme is Rain Water.
The cold temperatures will gradually ease up and it’s the season when snow turns to rain. This beach is in Dorset, south west England which we visited last month. It was an awful rainy day but thanks to the rain it was rather a warm day. People might have an impression that the weather is generally bad in the UK however the grass is always green and the blue of the ocean looks stunningly beautiful even when it’s cloudy. In Japan, when the sky is covered with clouds, the sea normally looks only dark grey.
皆様こんにちは。お元気ですか? 二十四節気は雨水。少しずつ寒さが和らぎ、雪が雨へと変わる季節という意味だそうです。 写真は先月末訪れたイングランド南部ドーセット地方の海岸。ひどい雨降りの一日でしたが、お陰でだいぶ暖かでした。イギリスは概して天気が悪いという印象がありますが、芝は一年中青々とし、曇りでも海の色が本当に美しいのです。
The Studio Journal #1 [ Rhamant Locca Collection ]
第一回 スタジオレポート [ 六花浪漫 ]
I will introduce some of my work created in my little studio. Making pieces with this year’s theme “Freedom”, I will concentrate on improving my work skill.
自宅の小さなアトリエで創作した作品をご紹介いたします。今年は”自由”をテーマに、ひたすら日々研鑽に努めます。リング詳細は各アイテムリンクのリスト又は、Contact ページ及びemosiwnlocca@gmail.comのメールアドレスより直接日本語にてお問い合わせ下さい。
Tatewaku Rings
Tatewaku Rings 立涌
Cloisonne enamel rings featuring some of an ancient Japanese design pattern called Tatewaku.
Please visit the following Etsy links for more information.
Tatewaku Ring Large (right in the photo)
Tatewaku Mini (left in the photo)
Mother-of-Pearl &
Blue Egg Open Ring
A sterling silver cabochon style open ring with a symbol of new life, egg-shaped Japanese blue enamel and a small mother-of-pearl .
Twin Square
Open Ring
Twin Square Black Amber Open Ring
A sterling silver ring with Japanese enamel featuring a unique amber colour.
Please visit the Etsy list for more information.
Mother-of-Pearl Ring
A simple oval-shaped Mother-of-Pearl cabochon style ring.
Please visit the Etsy list for more information.
Moon Stone Ring
A simple beautiful Moon Stone ring.
Please visit the Etsy list for more information.
Locca Marriage Wedding Bands
Simple bands are available in various styles and materials on EMOSIWN sister shop, Locca Marriage Etsy shop.
Please visit the Locca Marriage Etsy shop for more information.
Thank you very much for visiting my blog. Hope you enjoy the feeling of anticipating the real spring!