CONNECTION Double-ring Charm Necklace

CONNECTION Double-ring Charm Necklace


This is a double-ring sterling silver charm necklace. The design draws inspiration from Japanese traditional customs based on the ancient calendar known as the 24 Seasons.

We have very distinctive four seasons in Japan and a year is divided further into 24 Seasons, called Niju-shi sekki. Still to this modern period, we have many traditional customs and events according to the Niju-shi sekki calendar.

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Material:Copper and Brass

Dimensions : each ring approx. ∅1.5 cm (outer diameter)

Silver Chain Length : 18 inch (approx. 46 cm)
Please note that the chain style might vary.

#13 立秋 RISSHU Beginning of autumn, Connection [8-22 AUG]

The official beginning of autumn in the ancient lunar calendar. In Japan, during the season of Obon (also known as Bon, combines the ancient Japanese belief in ancestral spirits with a Buddhist tradition to pay respect to one's ancestors.), various traditional events such as bonfires, floating lanterns, and Bon dances are held in many regions to honour the spirits of ancestors and departed loved ones. The silver charm necklace symbolizes connections.

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